Fear. That's what I call it. Because the thought keeps me up at night. It keeps me from sleeping. It drives me into my little girls room at 4am to make sure I can either hear her breathing or feel her chest moving up and down.
I'm terrified of it.
I can't even imagine how people live through it.
But it can happen to anyone they say but for some reason it usually happens more in families who've already had it happen before.
It occurs most often between 2 and 4 months. 2 and 4 months. Huh. That sounds so familiar.
Oh. Right. Vaccines.
Isn't that weird?
I'm probably a nut, I'll be the first to admit that but to me it seems suspicious.
They say there is no correlation between the two. And maybe there isn't but it worries parents. So why not move the vaccination ages to 6 months when most of the danger if SIDS has passed? And when children are still young and the diseases they are vaccinated against will probably not affect them especially if they stay at home and don't attend daycare.
I can't be the only one to have thought of this. So why won't they do it?
If SIDS rates stay them same in that age group it wasn't the vaccine but what if they drop? It wouldn't be a coincidence and they couldn't pretend there wasn't a correlation. They'd have to admit it was a factor and those companies who make billions of dollars on vaccines would be in trouble. Parents who haven't already would lose faith in the whole system. And to them that's lots of money.
They won't risk that.
And so they won't change the regulations.
I'm not saying they are knowingly hurting children. No I'm saying that they wont risk finding out that they are. So no studies. No changes.
Obviously I can't say vaccines cause all SIDS. They don't. But I think we often forget SIDS is not a diagnosis. Its when a seemingly healthy infant dies. No warning whatsoever.
I've read horror stories of SIDS. Some right after vaccines some in unvaccinated children so obviously it isn't always vaccines but it could contribute. Everything has a price. Everything.
Vaccines are a necessary evil.
I'm not anti-vac. Honestly. But I do think the companies are not giving parents the whole truth. And that, to me, is wrong. Its a parents choice to vaccinate and there are risks and we should be informed of ALL of them. Then decide.
Do I want polio or the measles or whooping cough to become prevalent once again? No. I don't.
But sometimes I think it might be a risk I'd rather take.
Because as long as they keep lying to us about the real risks of vaccines then most parents will vaccinate and there is no reason for them or anyone for that matter to come up with a safer method.
And we need something safer because sids isn't the only thing I believe vaccines contribute to..
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