Sunday, December 29, 2013

Week Fifty Three (12 Months)

Age today: 53 Weeks

Age Being Posted: Weeks 52 - 53

Date: December 22 - 28

Diaper Size: 3 or Medium

Clothing Size: 6-9 months and 9 months

Photo of the Week: 

Milestones: Took one step!

Development:  She's getting more steady on her feet, trying to dance and bounce up and down. She took one step but hasn't taken much interest in walking since then. She is so good at crawling now that I don't think she sees it as a necessity, just whatever. But I'm sure it will come in time.

Words: Mum, da-da, pen (penny, our kitty), bye, hi, no, done, nigh nigh (night night), Paw-paw (grandpa), ya, mine, snack (nack)

Concerns: Weight

Eating Habits:  3 meals, 2 snacks and now breastfeeds 3 times a day. I have decided to take one breastfeed away every two weeks. So far she hasn't seemed to mind to much.

Sleeping Habits: Still taking 2 naps a day but I am pretty sure she'll be dropping one in the next month or two. The morning nap ends too late to have a second nap that will end before four but too early to not have a nap at all. We've moved bedtime back until she decides to drop the nap.

Health: Healthy

Special Moments-  Birthday and Christmas

Other Observations/Activities:  This week we celebrated your actual birthday. We let you open presents and you had so much fun. We got you a little kitchen which you absolutely adore!  We got you a couple of other gifts as well but the kitchen is obviously your favorite. Then we had Christmas two days later! You had such fun, opening presents, crawling around, playing with your new toys. Not to mention your outfits were adorable. Then of course like I mentioned above you took a step. You, of course, got so excited, as you do when you are just standing, and fell! You were kind of hurt so I can't help but wonder if you don't want to try because of that

Pictures From This Week: 

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Week Fifty Two

Age today: 52 Weeks

Age Being Posted: Weeks 51- 52

Date: December 15 - 21

Diaper Size: 3 or Medium

Clothing Size: 6-9 months and 9 months

Photo of the Week: 

Milestones: She has been standing alone momentarily but now she can stand alone well!

Development: You pick up things so quick now! Your memory is amazing. You know how to go down stairs now, not just climb up them. You can get off furniture as well. And you treat your little baby doll so sweet. You do this thing where when I say "sweet baby" you lay your head on my shoulder. If I do that while you are holding your baby, you hold her against your should and sort of rock her. It's adorable!

Words: Mum, da-da, pen (penny, our kitty), bye, hi, no, done, nigh nigh (night night), Paw-paw (grandpa), ya, mine, snack (nack)

Concerns: Weight

Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 3- 4 hours, 3 meals and 2 snacks a day,

Sleeping Habits: 2 naps and finally you are consistently sleeping through the night again!

Health: Healthy

Special Moments-  Birthday party!

Other Observations/Activities:  We had your birthday party this week so it wouldn't fall too close to Christmas. You had an absolute blast. We went to calacali, you crawled around the soccer field, grabbed things from your pinata, played in the water fountain, ate cake! You really did enjoy it quite a bit. You even had a few licks from a sucker. These aunts and uncles of yours are going to be a real problem! We just had everyone give money rather than bring presents so we could get something big. Well we got a bit more than what we thought so we bought you a kitchen set, which is amazing, and were saving the rest for a savings account for you!  This week was also really busy. We went shopping for Christmas gifts and your birthday gifts from us because we are doing a little thing for you on your birthday as well. You've been eating really well so hopefully you'll gain weight this week and we won't have to do any tests on you. I'll be praying for that! We were going to go to the zoo but we ended up having way too much Christmas shopping to do so we are saving that for either next weekend or the weekend after. We'll see!

Pictures From This Week: 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Week Fifty One

Age today: 51 Weeks

Age Being Posted: Weeks 50 - 51

Date: December 8 - 14

Diaper Size: 3 or Medium

Clothing Size: 6-9 months and 9 months

Photo of the Week: 

Milestones: Nothing new this week

Development:  You are growing... in brain power at least. Height is good as well but as far as weight goes. You are completely off your curve now.  You're hair and nails are growing like crazy but you are just not gaining weight.

Words: Mum, da-da, pen (penny, our kitty), bye, hi, no, done, nigh nigh (night night), Paw-paw (grandpa), ya

Concerns: Weight

Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 3- 4 hours, 3 meals and 2 snacks a day, giving formula as well

Sleeping Habits:  2 naps still and waking once at night.

Health: Healthy

Special Moments-  Getting back home to dad!

Other Observations/Activities:  This week was hectic. The first part of the week we were at grammy's and getting all packed and ready to go. I was freaking out about our bags being overweight, which of course they were but not as much as I thought. We got everything we needed though and even brought some of the things of Gerber that you like. We traveled on Wednesday at 3pm and that's where everything went downhill. We said goodbye to the girls and pa-pa and grammy drove us to the airport. For some reason they wouldn't check your bag. We were there for 2 hours in line until finally they checked on the internet and saw I was right that you did have a bag. They also gave grammy a gate pass and she helped me through security. The flight was late getting off and we only had a 40 minute layouver to begin with so by the time we got there they flight had left. They put us in a hotel  for the night because the next flight wasn't until the next day at 5pm. Lucky us. We spent the night at the hotel and checked out about 1 then had to wait in the airport until they began boarding. I ran out of food and had to scour the airport to find something you would eat. But  finally, we got on the flight, you were grumpy until they turned off the lights and could fall asleep, and I was terrified because the flight had quite a bit of turbulance. Ugh! We got there, went through customs, and then my bags didn't show up and you were so mad so I asked them if I could go out of the airport and hand you over to your dad then come back in a get my bags. And they let me. I came back in. Found 2 of my bags but was missing yours. Had to fill out a card for lost luggage. They said it would get to us on Saturday but I was weary. Anyway then I went to find you. You didn't cry until you saw me but then all you wanted was mom. All these people were speaking a language you just didn't understand and you had no idea who they were and you just wanted me.   In any case we got home and you went straight to sleep. The next day we spent unpacking then Saturday we got your bag AND your dad's work had a christmas get together so we had to go to that and then headed to Calacali for your birthday party the next day (which I'll go over next week). So now, we are all ridiculously tired but it's been a good homecoming : )

Pictures From This Week: 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Week Fifty

Age today: 50 Weeks

Age Being Posted: Weeks 49 - 50

Date: December 1 - 7

Diaper Size: 3 or Medium

Clothing Size: 6-9 months and 9 months

Photo of the Week: 

Milestones: Nothing new this week

Development:  You seem to understand everything I say. It's like you just know what I'm talking about and hey, for all I know, you do. It's me not understanding you all the time that's the problem. Most of the time I get the jist of what you want but there are other times when something I do just makes you so mad  even though I was sure 5 seconds before that it was what you wanted. Who knows? Maybe it was and you just change your mind that quick. In any case, it's amazing watching you with all your personality.

Words: Mum, da-da, pen (penny, our kitty), bye, hi, no, done, nigh nigh (night night), Paw-paw (grandpa), ya

Signs: done, more, eat  (We don't work much with this but she knows the signs I've taught)

Concerns: none

Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 3- 4 hours, 3 meals and 2 snacks a day

Sleeping Habits:  2 naps still and waking once at night.

Health: Healthy

Special Moments-  You gave everyone in the house a kiss this week (thursday, I believe) not just Tarah Jayne!

Other Observations/Activities:  We haven't done much outside since it's been so cold here. It even snowed! I took a few pictures of you looking at the snow. I wanted to take some with you sitting in it but couldn't bring myself to do it. It was WAY to cold to even really think about doing that. I'll do a lot of things for a good picture, but I wouldn't go that far. We also went to get your pictures done at Portrait Innovations with the rest of your cousins. You were not a happy camper but even without smiling I think you look adorable.

Pictures From This Week: 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Week Fourty Nine

Age today: 49 Weeks

Age Being Posted: Weeks 48-49

Date: November 24 - 30

Diaper Size: 3

Clothing Size: 6-9 months and 9 months

Photo of the Week: 

Milestones: Nothing new this week

Development:  There hasn't been much of getting ready to walk or stand really well. You are pretty comfortable just crawling now that you can go fast. I'm not too worried about it because I want you to wait until you get home and see your dadas anyway. He needs to be around when you take your first steps. You are learning so much though. New words and animals. And how to get what you want (being sweet baby does that pretty well) and you are such a little sneak. And you're just so stinking cute, it's impossible even when YOU'RE being impossible.

Words: Mum, da-da, pen (penny, our kitty), bye, hi, no, done, nigh nigh (night night), Paw-paw (grandpa)

Signs: done, more, eat  (We don't work much with this but she knows the signs I've taught)

Concerns: none

Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 3- 4 hours, 3 meals and 2 snacks a day

Sleeping Habits:  I cannot wait to get back home to get sleeping back on track. It's been so hectic and crazy and I just want to get back on a reliable schedule. She wakes up at night STILL and awake for the day at 5:30 which I just can't handle. Luckily, she still takes two naps. The gap now is about four hours between naps and bed.

Health: Healthy

Special Moments- First Thanksgiving!

Other Observations/Activities:  The first part of the week we spent at Grammy Gail's but on Tuesday we went to Texas with Tarah Jayne again for Thanksgiving with the Texas family. It was a short trip but we had a good time. Thanksgiving was fun. You ate some of the turkey, mash potatoes and sweet potatoes. Napping that day wasn't the best so you weren't in the best mood but we still had a good time. We came back on Friday and then had a thanksgiving on Saturday with the Kansas family. They also threw you a small little party for you because you won't be here for your first birthday. It was so sweet! It's nice to know that even being in a different country we always have family here.

Pictures From This Week: 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Week Forty Eight (11 Months)

Age today: 48 Weeks

Age Being Posted: Weeks 47-48

Date: November 17 - 23

Diaper Size: 3

Clothing Size: 6-9 months and 9 months

Photo of the Week: 

Milestones: Nothing new this week

Development:   You're growing up so fast. You're small, obviously, but you understand SO much. Sometimes I'll just be talking to you, not really expecting you to understand what I'm saying but then I look at you and ask a question and it seems like your answering me. I'll say something like "Do you want the Puffs?" and you'll say "no, no no" shaking your head and then I say, "Oh I know, you want the yogurt bites, don't you?" and you'll sort of jump in your chair like "DUH, mom, that's what I want!" I don't even show them to you, so I know it's not that you know their look. And grammy and you will be chatting and she'll say "That's my mom. Get away" and you'll slap her hand and hold onto me tighter. It's just. You are so grown up!

Words: Mum, da-da, pen (penny, our kitty), bye, hi, no, done, nigh nigh (night night), Paw-paw (grandpa)

Signs: done, more, eat (We don't work much with this but she knows the signs I've taught)

Concerns: none

Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 3- 4 hours, 3 meals and 2 snacks a day

Sleeping Habits: Surprise, surprise, sleeping is still off. Not sure even how to get it back on track. We just move around so much that it's hard to keep everything in line. I figure when we go back home you'll start to get the hang of everything. You're waking up once or twice and usually up between 5-6:30. I always hope for 6:30 but more often than not I'm not getting that! Naps are usually fine. 2 naps about 2-3 hours between the two of them.

Health: Healthy

Special Moments- Giving Kisses without being asked : )

Other Observations/Activities:  This week we spent the whole week at Grammy's. There were a few days we were able to go outside but most of them were too cold. We finally got out the tunnel that Grammy got you and you crawled through it like it was nothing. It was super cute. You thought it was the funnest thing in the world. You especially thought it was fun when mom ran from one side to the other. You'd turn around in there and try to catch me. This week you gave pa-pa Jim a kiss (as seen in the picture below) which sure made his day. You had a lot of fun with him that day. Playing with the remote and everything. It was a blast just watching you.

Pictures From This Week: 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Week Fourty Seven

Age today: 46 Weeks

Age Being Posted: Weeks 46-47

Date: November 10 - 16

Diaper Size: 2 or Medium, 3 at night

Clothing Size: 6-9 months and 9 months

Photo of the Week: 

Milestones: Nothing new this week

Development:  You have so many different facial expressions. You seem like a real grown up. This week you threw a little fit and knocked a cup out of my hand. You tell me no. And you say so many words, actually I think I'm going to start a section on just that. Your hair is long, I've been putting it into little hairdos now that I can. It's so much fun! There isn't much to do with it yet but I do want to get you used to it so that later you won't be completely surprised when you have to sit down in the morning to get your hair done.

Words: Mum, da-da, pen (penny, our kitty), bye, hi, no, done

Signs: done, more

Concerns: none

Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 3- 4 hours, 3 meals and 2 snacks a day

Sleeping Habits:  The beginning of the week was awful. You woke up between 3-6 times at night. Finally one day I decided just to not feed you again and the next night was MUCH better. And the rest of the week you slept really well... You even slept the whole night once.

Health: Healthy

Special Moments- The first time swinging

Other Observations/Activities:  It was cold a few days but then it got really nice outside. It was in the sixties again so we spent the day outside. I put you in a baby swing and you had a blast. We took a walk with the girls and sat outside on the little trampoline and in the grass. I was very excited to be able to do that because then the cold front came in and now it's freezing!

Pictures From This Week: