Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Day Two

This post is going to be short because I don't feel like posting much.

Last night we got a call around 1 am letting us know they had to put an IV in Em because she was still not eating.

In the early morning we went to see her and by that time she was in a incubator for photo therapy because of jaundice. She had been hooked up to a heart monitor and while we were in there she was put on oxygen too.

Pedro's dad gave her a small baptism and then the doctor talked to us about what was going on.

She has some type of infection. They sent her blood in to be tested but have already started her on antibiotics.

I has to check out of the hospital and we came home without Em.

I'm so worried I can hardly breathe.

I hope everyone is having a better Christmas than we are.


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