Honestly I never imagined it being so difficult. I have 7 nieces and nephews and I watched them all grow up. Some lived with me for some time and watching their parents raise them… well it seemed easy. It seemed like it was a piece of cake.
Yeah, no sleep but I never have slept much anyway so it wasn’t that big of a deal.
No the sleep thing didn’t seem too important. And even now that isn’t what’s so hard.
It’s the no time alone, to do anything, to clean to write to make supper whatever. THERE IS NO TIME.
I’ve stayed at home for almost 3 years without children. Sometimes I work, sometimes I don’t but unlike other people I don’t get bored. I have things to do. I write, mostly. And I like being alone. I like time to myself.
Apparently that ends COMPLETELY when you have a baby. AND when the baby does sleep and you do have time to yourself you want/need sleep to. So nothing EVER gets done. That’s what’s hard about motherhood.
AND in that off chance when you do have some free time by yourself… when your husband takes her to her grandparents for a afternoon, well all you do is
think about her. Watch her smiles, see her discover something new.
Everything else? Not so hard. Feeding her, catching spit up, changing diapers, bad naps. That’s easy in comparison to giving up all of your free time. But it’s worth it because honestly she will only be this small for a little while. And one day (maybe a LONG time from now) I know I’ll miss the days when she only wanted to be with me.
So yeah, motherhood is hard but if it wasn’t hard then it wouldn’t be as rewarding, I think.
Plus, how can you look at this face and not be so completely and totally one hundred percent in LOVE!
So yeah motherhood is HARD but it is also wonderful and amazing and crazy and the best!
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