Sunday, July 28, 2013

Week Thirty One (7 Months)

Age today: 31 weeks

Age Being Posted: Weeks 30-31

Date: July 21 - 27

Diaper Size: 2 or Medium

Clothing Size: 3, 3-6, 6, first time wearing 6-9 (possibly a really small 6-9?)

Photo of the Week: 7 Month Photo!

Milestones: Waving bye, bye, pincher grip

Development: My little girl is now so grown up. I don't understand how it happened! Months ago she could barely coordinate her waving arms and legs and now she can WAVE! She doesn't always but she does sometimes, looking at me as she does as if she isn't sure she's doing it right. She's crawling, like I mentioned before, but it comes easier to her now. She doesn't accidentally roll over to her back, she just scoots her little legs and gets that toy! She can pick up things between her thumb and forefinger. I give her tiny pieces of soft fruit or veggies and she picks them from my hand and sticks them in her mouth then waits for me to say "YAY" which is how I taught her to get it to her mouth in the first place : )

Concerns: Weight gain... if she hasn't gained weight when we go back to the doctor I don't know what I'll do!

Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 2 hours (per recommendation so she'll gain weight) , rice cereal, fruit, veggies, and/or meat 4 times a day

Foods Tried: Peaches

Sleeping Habits: Sleeping through the night. 2-3 naps. Because you were only sleeping in the car for your third nap and waiting for 2:30 - 7 when nap 2 ended and bedtime began I've changed up the schedule once more. I now feed you at 12 so you'll fall asleep and inevitably you wake up as soon as I try to make a smooth exit. This gives you a sort of blip nap and then you take your long one at 230 and wake up around 4 which is a much better time space until bedtime.

Health: Healthy

Special Moments-
Best:Playing peek a boo with mom! You even hide yourself and when I would say "Where's my Em?" you'd uncover yourself! I'm going to have to take a video goes no one believe me!
Worst: Mom wasn't watching too carefully and you almost rolled right off the make shift changing table! Oops!

Other Observations/Activities:  You are still shy with strangers but I've noticed you aren't so much with the grandparents and aunts and uncles that you have here. Which is a relief. Before you would just stare at them and get this very serious look on your face. Now you chatter away and smile like you do at home!

Pictures From This Week: 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Is Baby-Led Weaning a Good Idea?

I'm a pretty easy going parent. My husband is the crazy one to tell you the truth. Oh that toy dropped on the floor? Here you go, yeah that's alright put it in your mouth. Whatever!

My husband, however, is the one at the restaurant placing a burp rag over the bar holding Em in because of the "germs".  Sometimes when he does this I feel like the worst mother EVER but most time I'm just like, sure whatever. Replace it 6 times while she continuous throws it on the floor.

Honestly though, he's pretty easy going to. Maybe it's because we are young parents. Not too young but most people these days have kids later. Say 28-35 range because most want to get their ducks in a row before children. Well, to each there own, no? I knew from the time I was a kid I didn't want to be an "old" mom. 28-35 is not OLD but by that time I would have been like "I'm over it" : )

So maybe being so young is the reason I'm pretty open minded about EVERYTHING. Breastfeed? Great. Formula feed? Great. Co-sleep? Sure, why not? Crib sleep? Right there with you sister!

And if you want to do "baby-led" weaning? Go right ahead. But this is one thing that I think is so ridiculous.  I mean you'd think with how easy going on I'd have jumped right on the bandwagon... but no. Not even a little bit.

The CONCEPT was a nice idea. It was a way to stop getting pushy parents to get the baby to eat "just one more bite" but lets think about that for a minute... do we honestly believe the pushy parent is going to try this anyway??

No, I'd say it would be the more laid back parents who want to do this. And there isn't anything genuinely wrong with it except I sort of think there is.

The rant here is usually something along the lines of "The cavemen didn't have blenders! It's not a natural way to feed your child" Oh my. This argument ALWAYS kills me. Well the cavemen didn't have toothpaste either. Or indoor plumbing. Or sunscreen. STOP USING THAT RIGHT AWAY, IT'S NOT NATURAL!


I'd imagine that the cavemen would pick a banana and mash the thing up so that the little one could take a few bites. And I've read that they chewed up their meat and then fed it to the baby. Sort of like birds. So if you don't want to use a blender, well you could always do what they did.

Not for you? Eh, I didn't think so.

I love spoon feeding. I love getting up in the morning and deciding what Miss Em will eat. Some chicken? Carrots? Apples? YUM! I steam or bake or boil everything and mash or blend away. I dump the conents of it in one of her little bowls and she gobbles the whole thing right up. Opening her tiny little mouth for more. If I'm not quick enough she bangs her hands on her try. When I look up, she drops her jaw and waits.

Cutest. Thing. EVER.

Sometimes, my little Em, however begins to play before the whole thing is gone. I try a couple of time putting it in front of her to see if she wants more and she just got distracted by... whatever. She gets distracted quite a bit. Sometimes she will lean to get it and other times she glances at it and keeps playing. That's how I know she's done.

And I think it's a perfect little system.

BUT Miss Em is not exactly the norm, I don't think. She's a wonderful baby, pretty much as easy going as they come. What about those who do not EVER open their mouths for food? They want/like milk and don't want/need any yucky solids that feel unnatural in their mouth.

That's a bit more complicated I would say. You don't want to force feed them but at the same time giving them a hunk of banana and watching them squish it between their fingers is counterproductive. to me.

There is this saying going around "Foods before 1 just for fun." I think this was said too much that people actually believe it's the truth. There are many babies who can live off ONLY formula or breastmilk for a year and for that year they are JUST fine.

It's not really about the first year. It's about the upcoming ones. Every baby should be started on solids between 6-8 months. I FIRMLY believe this. Not for the nutrients. FOR THE EXPERIENCE. Afterward it isn't going to be quite as easy to get them to accept it.

Though I'm sure whatever time I decided to introduce Em to food she would have loved it.  That is sort of thing that depends on the baby.

You SHOULD let the baby lead you. That's the truth. I knew when Em was ready for solids. I was CERTAIN of it. Some babies will want the spoon feeding. Others will refuse it and will start with no problems on finger foods. But don't force either.

Focus on the baby, what he or she needs, and go from there. Don't decide at 2 months you are going to start solids at 4 with a spoon OR give cut up fruit at 8 months. The most important thing is to go with the baby.

When did you start solids? How did you do it?

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Week Thirty

Age today: 30 weeks

Age Being Posted: Weeks 29-30

Date: July 14 - 20

Diaper Size: 2 or Medium

Clothing Size: 3, 3-6, 6

Photo of the Week: Cutieeee!

Milestones: None this week

Development: Seperation anxiety has set in and on full force. Naps are hard and I now stand by  your crib so you can see me as you fall asleep. Funny, girl! I'm not going to leave you! It's been quite irritating during the day as well. I used to be able to put you down and make your meal but now you scream if I even go to put you down. We've been using the wrap like nothing else!

Concerns: Weight gain still being as we haven't gone back to the doctor yet. And I guess my concern shouldn't be too bad or she would have scheduled another appointment sooner, instead we don't go back until August 20

Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 2-3 hours, rice cereal, fruit, veggies, and/or meat 4 times a day

Foods Tried: Pear, Turkey, Berros (no idea the translation), and oatmeal cereal

Sleeping Habits: Sleeping through the night and 2-3 naps a day. Your just the typical little 6 month old!

Health: Healthy

Special Moments-
Best: You, me and dadas all danced to the song "Lemon Tree" one day when you were particularly grouchy and you laughed so hard. It was adorable!
Worst: The screaming! Oh my. It's time consuming enough making homemade baby food. Add ear piercing screams while I'm trying to cook... too much!

Other Observations/Activities: We've started baby signing (thanks to this great website). We are using 5 signs to begin with. Mom. Dad. Cat. Eat/Food. and Milk. I'm having lots of fun... can't wait until you start signing back! Since we started a little late I think it won't be until you're 10 months or so though.

Pictures From This Week: 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Parenting On Instinct

When you read attachment parenting articles/books/blogs you'll usually read something about it being instinct if we listen to ourselves rather than others.

I'm here to say that's a lie.

What would I have done had I not read anything?

I'd have used a stroller. I'd have bought jarred baby food. And above all I would have formula fed.

What to I do instead? Babywear. Make homemade baby food (with the use of this lovely website) and breastfeed.

As for other attachment parenting ideals. Disposable diapers and crib sleeping for me!

Breastfeeding wasn't instinct for me. The first days were not hard. She latched easily and ate as the websites said she would. 1-3 hours.

No that was all right. Breastfeeding itself was awkward though. I didn't enjoy it. I wanted to give the baby a bottle and the only thing that stopped me (besides my stubborn nature) was the websites saying how much better it was. I read the benefits over and over etching them in my memory.  Breast was best and would give her lifelong benefits. My aversion would NOT stop me from providing that for her.
After a few weeks. I'd say between the 5-6 week it got better just like that and I enjoyed the special time Em and I got to relax together.

But instinct had nothing to do with it. Instinct would have led me to formula.

Because in reality instinct for humans is not the same as for other animals. We are in fact different from our four legged friends.

I don't know if at some point humans relied on instinct or if we've just gone with what works. To me it is our brains that are our instincts and it is not the same.

Humans do what is socially and culturally acceptable. Is this a bad thing? Yes and no.

We have evolved. We are shaped by the world we've created, products of our environment. Sometimes we get it right, sometimes we don't.

But the idea of relying just on instinct to raise our children? No. We're too smart for that and our instincts can betray us.

Or it did me.

So research. But be smart about it. If you feel strongly about something do it, no matter what the research says.

Huh. That went against my whole post didn't it?

I guess what I'm trying (and FAILING) to say is be the best parent you know how to be. Listen to your instincts, yes, but it doesn't hurt to look into things either.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Week Twenty Nine

Age today: 29 weeks

Age Being Posted: Weeks 28-29

Date: July 7 - July 13

Diaper Size: 2 or Medium

Clothing Size: 3, 3-6, 6

Photo of the Week:  All dressed up!

Milestones: Army Crawl

Development: So you are crawling. And it's adorable... most of the time. Except you know, when I want to change your diaper or clothes, or wipe of your droll or spit up (which doesn't happy nearly as often now! Woo-hoo! Its also super funny when you get so mad because instead of crawling you roll back over to your back. Little one, you crack me up!

Concerns: Weight gain : (

Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 2-3 hours, rice cereal, fruit, veggies, and/or meat 4 times a day

Foods Tried: Papaya, Spinach, and Prunes

Sleeping Habits: Still sleeping through the night... the bags under my eyes have disappeared!

Health: Healthy

Special Moments-
Best: Okay it may sound like worst but you were crying as I was trying to put you down for a nap (which is REALLY strange) and I came in to pat your stomach and you hit your little arms against your stomach cause you just wanted to get picked up and said a weird sound... it wasn't Mama or Ma or even mum but sort of like mam but a shorter sound. Anyway, you said it like eight times in a row. And I'm convinced it was your little way of saying MOM. PICK ME UP NOW.... which I ended up doing
Worst: I dropped my cell phone on you while you nursed. Sorry! Also sorry for laughing at how you started crying... uh?...uh?...WAAAAA.. So sad.. but honestly really funny as well

Other Observations/Activities:  We spent our days like usual. I love (pretty much) every moment I get to spend with you. You're so vocal and playful now and you're so interested in everything. We play peek a boo and sing songs like the itsy bitsy spider which you dad tries to sing and has NO idea how : ) but still cute. You crack up EVERY time. We went to your grandparents and we're planning a trip to the beach. I can't wait to take you! Sun and sand and ocean! You'll love it... but you'll love it more when we go next year.

Pictures From This Week: 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Weaning or Extended Breastfeeding?

If there was only one word I could use to describe myself it would be stubborn.  No doubt about it. Ask my husband... or my brothers, sister, mom, friends, next door neighbor... random guy on the street. Honestly, whoever. (Or would that be whomever?)

Sometimes it is pretty annoying... usually when it leads to never ending arguments. And I even WANT to stop and agree for times sake but something in me just doesn't give in.

Other times though it is quite handy. Like when I want something ; ) or even better when I want to prove something.

And honestly that's what happened with breastfeeding.

My husband said one day "well you'll probably only end up breastfeeding until 6 months"

His certainty that I would stop before my year goal made me determined to prove him wrong.  Though sometimes I just wanted some sleep and oh how easy it would have been to open up that can of formula the hospital gifted us... but I didn't because I kept hearing my husbands voice.

I would make it past 6 months and then on to a year if it killed me!

Passed one! Just another 6 months and ill pass the other.

I don't plan on giving formula so I'll begin the weaning process after a year with a goal of being completely weaned between 16-18 months.

Why? Why not longer? Why wean and not continue nursing?

Well. The answer is not a simple one. Do I think its wrong? disgusting? Unnatural? Perverted?

No. Not at all.

Do I not enjoy it and wish I could quit now?

No. I love breastfeeding. I love how soothing it is and the break it gives me.

Am I worried about what others think?

No. I'm the parent and those who have a problem with it don't matter?

Am I unaware the WHO recommends until age 2 or the benefits continue.

No. I know all of that.

So why?

Because although I love it I believe 18 months is a good age to stop. To me that's the right age.

I don't know when or how some of our society became so barycentric.

If someone wants to breastfed their child until 3 go right ahead. Maybe that is the proper age. Who knows? The natural way to do things with humans has always been a little iffy. Another post on that another time. BUT this idea that they HAVE to self wean? Honestly do people really believe that's natural? Almost all animals wean their babies rather than waiting for them to wean themselves.

And don't even get me started on solid food and baby led weaning. Oh dear . Once again another post for another day.

So although I will be extended nursing (anything past a year, right?) I do have a time frame in which I want to wean. And you know what? There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

I sometimes see another mother attacked for a planned weaning age. It usually goes something like this.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to begin the weaning process? I want to start so my LO will be off the breast by 12 months

While some posts are helpful usually there are many still that are something like this...

-Can you please explain why you want to wean so early?

-You know you'll have to give formula if you want to be done BY 12 months

-Just let her wean when she wants to! There ARE still benefits after the year!

And so on and so forth. Usually never answering the question.Let me tell you a little secret about breastfeeding that if it got out would probably result in a lot more babies being breastfed. Want to hear it?

It doesn't have to be all or nothing.

There you have it.

These websites you read now make it seem like you can NEVER give a bottle. Not ONE DROP of that RAT POISON they call FORMULA. You MUST wear your baby, co-sleep, and NEVER be out of your babies sight. You HAVE to breastfeed until the baby decides when to stop.

Any breastfeeding is good and honestly just take it one day at a time. Have a goal. One month.  Six months. One year. Try your best to reach the goal and when you get there decide if you want to go on or quit because you can.

As for me, I have my goal and we will see what happens when I get there.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Week Twenty Eight

Age today: 28 weeks

Age Being Posted: Weeks 27-28

Date: June 30 - July 6

Diaper Size: 2 or Medium

Clothing Size: 3, 3-6, 6

12 lbs 12oz
Height: 64 cm
Head C.: 41.5 cm
Photo of the Week: 4th of July!

2013-07-05 11.44.35

Milestones: Nothing new this week. Check milestones page to see what we've passed and whats coming up!

Development: You are too smart to crawl. No, honestly. I put you on a blanket (which is a necessity here because penny cat leaves hair ALL OVER) and put some toys in front of you just out of reach and what do you do? Pull on the blanket pulling the toys to you rather than you going to them. Oh, Em.

Concerns: Weight gain : (

Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 2-3 hours, rice cereal, fruit, veggies, and/or meat 4 times a day (see below)

Foods Tried: Gerber chicken and veggies, apple, banana, chicken

Sleeping Habits: Sleeping through the night has continued! 7-6/630 which is quite amazing. Naps are good for the most part or perhaps I just don't care quite as much since you sleep at night. But its usually about 3 hours a day. We try to keep to the 2-3-4 schedule but if you're tired and naps haven't been that long then we have a third nap.. unless its after 4!

Health: Healthy

Special Moments-
Best: I'm gonna be a bad mom for a second and say the freedom to have gone to the mall without you : )
Worst: a thought to be allergic reaction. You had a sort of rash after eating a Gerber chicken and we thought you were allergic but we gave it to you the next 3 days and no rash again. It was on your stomach by your diaper maybe heat rash?

This Weeks Doctor Appointment: Good things first. She's amazed you are sitting up and sleeping 11 hours at night. She actually asked me how did you do it?! Which I have no idea. But hurray for us. She says she is sure that you are going to be an early crawler. No teeth are coming in, according to her, which is a good thing... I think. They say its better the later they come in but who knows. You know how things are when "they say" is thrown around. She gave us some stimulation ideas for early crawling and said she usually gives it for 7-8 months but since you'd already passed everything a 6 month old should be doing that was all she could offer. Yay you! Now for the not so good. You are still not gaining weight like she (and I) thinks you should. She says if you don't gain at least 600 grams by august 20 (we are going to the beach at the beginning of the month and then she is going so that is the first we could get you in) that we would have to add some sort of supplement to your food. She said that formula wasn't necessary so yay!... Lets hope it's not. But she sent you to eat 5 times a day and continue to nurse as much as you are now so basically this week all we've done is eat eat eat. So you better gain weight child! We also had to stop your iron supplement because it was making you puke up all over... so maybe that has something to do with it as well? Who knows.

Other Observations/Activities: It is so much harder unpacking a house and sorting through everything with a baby than it is while pregnant. I may have been exhausted while pregnant but I did have all the time in the world. Now its not quite like that. You require demand attention all the time. Sometimes because you want it, others cause you need it, and more often because I need to. Just when you're playing so well by yourself and begin squealing about a toy I have to sit down and play with you. Bad I know buuuut oh well. So in short unpacking which took me two days flat last time is still underway now after a week. We also had our first 4th of July which passed by without too much fuss because we do not, in fact, live in the US and no one here cares about it. So it wasn't much of anything... maybe next year!

Pictures From This Week:

2013-07-04 08.02.05 2013-07-04 08.02.15  2013-07-01 12.00.11 2013-07-03 12.09.06