Sunday, June 30, 2013

Week Twenty Seven

Age today: 27 weeks

Age Being Posted: Weeks 26-27

Date: June 23- 29

Diaper Size: 2 or Medium

Clothing Size: 3, 3-6, 6
Photo of the Week: So much alike!


Milestones: Nothing new this week

Development: I swear you're going to crawl soon... like next couple weeks soon. You sort of do this army type crawl already. I can't believe how big you are an how much you can already do!

Concerns: Still weight!

Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 3 hours, rice cereal or veggies twice a day at 10am and 5pm

Foods Tried: Avocado, banana, zucchini

Sleeping Habits: All weeks you slept through the night except last night. You were up from 130-4. Oh. NEVER letting you nap past 4 AGAIN. Were down to 2 naps at 9 and 1. Usually 1-2 hours each.

Health: Healthy

Special Moments-
Best: Moving to new house
Worst: scarring mom and not pooping for 4 days!

Other Observations/Activities:</strong This week was eventful! We spent the whole week packing and on Saturday began moving boxes and cleaning. We'll see how you handle so much change this coming week. As mentioned above you are sleeping though the night again which has been wonderful! I think its the nap schedule we've been doing. It seems to work wonders.

Pictures From This Week:


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Marriage and Babies

Pedro and I were married three and a half years before Em came along.

Today makes four years.

I read a lot during pregnancy as I've mentioned before and kept coming across articles about how much the relationship with a spouse would change after the baby.

6 months into this and what have I discovered?

It only changes if you let it.  Well, for the most part.

Some things change in general like not being able to catch a movie or grab diner without significant planning in advance. Or staying up late for a movie marathon or staying in bed all morning just cuddling.

But everything else?

Pretty much the same.

We fight like we used to just have different topics now. We still talk about everything, not just the baby. We find time for the two of us.

I am very glad we had 3 years just us and I'm equally happy we have Em now. I truly love my family.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Week Twenty Six (6 Months)

Age today: 26 weeks and exactly 6 months!

Age Being Posted: Weeks 25-26

Date: June 16 - 22

Diaper Size: 2 or Medium

Clothing Size: 3, 3-6, 6

Photo of the Week: Looking So Grown Up!

2013-06-17 14.54.22

Milestones: Nothing new this week but check out the milestones page for those already passed

Development: Every time I look at you I can't help but think how grown up you are getting. It seems like you are less of a baby and more of a toddler. I love it but at the same time it's sad. I'm going to miss the baby days! But everyday that passes you learn a little more and get a little more active and vocal about what you like and what you don't like. I'm learning to love every moment because you sure keep mom on her toes!

Concerns:I'm just worried that when we go to the doctor you won't have gained as much weight as she wants you too or how much you SHOULD. I feel like your growing and passing milestones... but I'm so worried about it

Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 3 hours, rice cereal or veggies twice a day at 10am and 5pm

Sleeping Habits:Great night sleep and great naps... pretty soon I'm going to stop feeding you at night at all but I'm waiting to see your weight gain this week

Health: Healthy

Special Moments-
Best: We were in such a hurry to go to Calacali so we put you in your pack n play so we could finish backing and both dadas and I were SO surprised when you just chatted away in there, screaming happily as we passed by running to get everything ready. It was so cute and so helpful!
Worst: In Calacali we didn't take the pack and play and just had you sleep between us. AWFUL idea. You woke up every 45 minutes wanting to play. NEVER again.

Other Observations/Activities: Well you celebrated you first official fathers day! You didn't give your dadas such a great one when you woke up 10 times at night and then were awake for the day at 530. Other than that it was really nice. We spent the week packing because we're moving at the end of the month. We've been playing and you spend a lot of your day just sitting up. I never let you on the floor because we have tile and when you want a toy out of reach you have no problem just throwing yourself to it so I only sit you up when I'm sitting there with you just in case. We went to Calacali and I'm certain (not that I doubted it before) you just don't like people. You get really mad when there are too many, even if they aren't paying attention to you. You just like to be with a few and better if you know them. But more than 2 or 3 forget it!

Pictures From This Week:

2013-06-20 16.24.00 2013-06-20 16.31.44 2013-06-20 16.49.05  2013-06-19 15.24.13OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Growing Up

I read quite a few breastfeeding articles right after I had Em in hopes I would do everything right. That my supply would be great and we'd never use formula. And we haven't so I assume all my hard work in the beginning paid off because truth be told it was hard work.

The actual act of breastfeeding was easy. She latched on from the get go. Even after the first days of bottle feeding because she was sick. I never had sore cracked nipples. No all that was a piece of cake.

But it wasn't easy. I was the only one who could feed her and she was not a fast eater at all. 30 min minimum ever 1h30. So if I was lucky I got a 1 hour break between feeds.

In those articles there was things about technique and average length of time and little miss Em fit into that so I wasn't worried about it but I remember all these articles talked about missing these moments later on.

Say what? Are you all nuts, I thought, how could I miss being food every hour?!

There is not alot I miss about those first weeks. I was mildly depressed and staying with his parents was no joy ride (though better than staying at my house alone) but I do miss those long hours spent nursing.

Not enough to want to do it over but I do wish I could have just let myself relax and enjoy the time with my baby.

These days Em eats quick and moves around constantly. She squirms and pulls my hair. She hears penny walk by meowing like she does and she pulls away before unlatching. She barely gives me time to read a few pages in my book before she's done and ready to explore.

She's growing up. She's active and curious and wants to see it all touch it all taste it all.

I love the phase. She's such a little delight to be around. Smiling and laughing. Discovering everything.

But there are days I just want to lay in bed. Days I slept awful and just need to relax and I think about those days when she wanted nothing more than to sleep in my arms eating when she wanted to.  And I miss those days.

But I don't miss those nights ; )

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Week Twenty Five

Age today: 25 weeks

Age Being Posted: Weeks 24-25

Date: June 9 - 15

Diaper Size: 2 or Medium

Clothing Size: 3, 3-6, 6

Photo of the Week:

Milestones: Sitting on her own!

Development: You just went through a growth spurt. Im assuming your 6 month growth spurt where you woke up 3 times at night STARVING. But that's over and your waking up once again. You put your butt up in the air and try moving your arms and legs but end up going no where. This frustrates you to no end! You spend most of your day rolling to your tummy and practicing this which during diaper changes frustrates ME to no end. You have also began to sit on your own! Sometimes you still fall to the side bit more often than not you catch yourself and sit back up! Too cute!

Concerns: Weight gain

Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 3 hours, rice cereal or veggies twice a day at 8am and 5pm

Sleeping Habits: Most this week you woke up 2-3 times to eat at night but now are back to once. Your naps are much better!

Health: Healthy

Special Moments-
Best: I wad lifting up your shirt to kiss your side and found out your ticklish now.
Worst: playing in the sink you turned on the faucet and were soaked with cold water!

Other Observations/Activities: This week we didn't do much. We started solids twice a day which you love. I worry its too much because of how everyone says milk is the most important but you still nurse 6-8 times a day so I'm sure it's ok. We had our first fathers day... not a real one.. that's today but we celebrated because dadas has to help someone move tomorrow. We got him a card with your handprints and a t-shirt that says Best. Dad. Ever. It's pretty fun. Then we went to Calacali and spent the day with the dads of your dads side of the family. You met your cousin (again, though I'm sure you didn't remember!) who was born the same very day you were. He is HUGE compared to you BUT I'm not so worried because you can sit up on your own which means you a meeting milestones, having enough diapers, and are always alert and happy so you must just be destined to be small.


Photos From This Week:

2013-06-12 14.47.342013-06-13 12.09.462013-06-11 08.05.50 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  2013-06-11 08.06.15 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  em and carlos



Wednesday, June 12, 2013

First Year Nutrition

The other day I was reading a forum and found a question I'd wondered myself even though I thought I knew the answer.

It was something like "Is 5 feedings a day enough for my 6 month old?"

How would I have answered?

Yes. Just keep an eye on diaper count and you should be fine. Also if she needs 6 feedings one day don't say no. Feed her when she's hungry if that's 10 feedings then feed her 10 but if its 5 feed her 5.

To me that sounds reasonable. But that is not the response this women got.

No. She got things like this...

"I feed my 3 year old 5 times a day! And my 8th month old still eats 8-10 times a day! That is not enough!"

There were maybe 4 responses almost exactly like that.

I have a few things to say about that.

1. Let's not forget all babies are different. Just because YOUR baby eats that many times doesn't mean HERS has to.

2. I may get alot of... what to call it? Slack? Sure. But I'm gonna say it anyway. Your 3 year old does not NEED to nurse 5 times a day. He/she WANTS to.

3. 8-10 feedings a day is probably fine fir her 8 month old but she probably doesn't get as much as this womans child in the same feeding.

4. Stop judging! I mean as long as the baby is gaining weight what does the number of feedings matter?

I wanted to make an account just so I could comment on the question so at least someone who say it was just fine.

But I knew I would have also said something directed at the other women and then wouldn't I be just like them?

Judging another mother because she does something differently. So I refrained. But it got me thinking...

Formula. Breastmilk. Stroller. Wrap. Crib. Co-sleeping.

Just stop.

If it was... Feed. Starve. Talk. Hit. Watch. Ignore. Love. Hate. Then yes! Get involved but let's stop all this nonsense. If the baby is loved fed sheltered and clothed. Well let the mom do it how she wants to.

Am I wrong here?

I was talking to someone on Monday and mentioned breastfeeding going ok but I was concerned about weight gain and instead of asking about the weight gain issue it was "oh my god. You're still breastfeeding? Don't be one if those mothers who breastfeed forever. "So and so" breasted "baby" until 18 months and it was so gross."

I don't know how long I'm going to breastfeed. I hope for the full year. But whatever I choose its my choice. No one else's.

And I could have spouted off all these facts about breastfeeding and how formula doesn't even come close and how on earth she could have formula fed her kids but I didn't.


Because her children are HERS not mine. And I have no say in how she fed them.

I only ask for the same thing in return.

Well, that's my rant for the day. Besides all that... hope everyone is having a good week!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Week Twenty Four

Age today: 24 weeks or 161 days

Age Being Posted: Weeks 23-24 or Days 161-167

Date: June 2 - 8

Diaper Size: 2 or Medium

Clothing Size: 3, 3-6, 6

12 lbs 2 oz
Height: 63.5 cm
Head C.: 41 cm

Photo of the Week: Here she looks exactly like her cousin Vincent




Development: You are vocal and let everyone know what you like and most definitely what you don't. You get angry at your toys when they don't do exactly what you want them to. You roll over from your back your tummy ALL THE TIME now. You know how to roll back bit don't do it very often. Maybe its harder? This has seeped into nap times and you wake yourself up doing it. On tor stomach you lift your butt in the air but can't figure out how to actually moveand this makes you furious

Concerns: Your weight gain is slow now and you've dropped percentiles. The doctor said she'd hoped you would gain more but we shouldn't worry.

Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 3 hours, rice cereal once a day at 10am

Sleeping Habits: Well you are still waking up at least once a night. Sometimes twice. I know your hungry so I feed you. Naps are better some days. Sometimes they are worse than the used to be. I think you still NEED a 3rd nap but you refuse to take one so I'm trying to see if 2-3-4 nap routine will work for you.

Health: Healthy

Special Moments-
Best: You cuddled with me in the morning. Dad brought you into me as he was getting ready for work and you just laid there with me in the nook of my arm.
Worst: You fell out of your swing!

This Weeks Doctor Visit: We went to your 5 month checkup this month. Things were the same as always. She asked about your routine and milestones you should have passed. Everything was normal. She was still amazed at all you could do. She measured your length and head and weight. I was very disappointed in the weighing and also now very concerned. She told us it might just be her actual percentile since she had gone up quite a few from birth. She sent us to start solid food. 3 times a day but I think it's too much so next week I'll start 2 but I won't do 3 until shes around 7 months. At least. We then got a vaccine since we split them up so you wouldn't have all them at the same time. And of course you cried : (

Other Observations/Activities:  This week we continued our house hunt. We found two that we like for opposite reasons. One the house was huge and amazing but in an awful neighborhood. The other one was a okay house in an okay neighborhood. So we picked that one. We can go anytime between the 15-30. So well get packed up and move!

You also fell out of your swing! I turned away to rinse of some dishes and you started crying (not even hard) and I told you to hold on one second but when I turned you were on the floor! It was so awful!

You also went to the doctor this week, as mentioned above. The vaccine didn't cause much of a fever this time! Your leg hurt a lot but besides that everything was just fine.

Pictures From This Week:


Thursday, June 6, 2013

25 Things To Do With A 5 Month Old

Everyday I get up with Em at about 6:50 am. She is probably awake around 6:30 but my legs won't budge until closer to 7 and she usually talks to herself for awhile so I take that time to get a few more minutes of rest.

As I shuffle across the hall I think about the day ahead of me wondering what we'll do.

Its not always the easiest thing to figure out because the little ones get bored so easily but here are a few things we usually do during the day...

1. Tummy time: Em loves being on her tummy now. She rolls over almost instantly when I put her down.

2. Talking: This is usually something we do when I'm busy doing something else. I sit her somewhere and we jabber back and forth. But we do this almost always, whether one on one or from a far.

3. Play in the Grass: Em loves feeling it ob her toes and in her hands and sometimes in her mouth!

4. Walk Outside: She loves being outside in general. I'll take her for a quick walk in neither the strolled or wrap but holding her and point out things like trees and the sky. If we walk in the sun I'll tell her that's why its warm, if the wind blows I let her know. She's very alert outside like she's soaking in everything.

5. Dancing in the Kitchen: When she's in a bad mood this usually cheers her up. I pick her up and we twirl around the room for awhile listening to (moms) favorite songs.

6. Singing: I have a terrible voice but she doesn't seem to mind much. I sing everything. What's on the radio. Children songs like the itsy bitsy spider or wheels on the bus. Or something I've made up.

7. Airplane: we do takeoff and landing. Sometimes even crash landing!

8. Peek-a-boo: She just started to really enjoy this.

9. Piggies: You know "this little piggy went to market..."

10. Mirror Talk: She adores the baby in the mirror. She tries to grab her and hug her but always ends up bumping her head. Go figure!

11. I got you!: I usually do this after I clean a dirty diaper before I button her onesie and before/after a bath. I say i got you and blow raspberries on her tummy. She cracks up every time.

12. Play the Guitar: I try to show her some of the cords for fun but most of the time we end up just fooling around and beating on it like a drum.

13. Yarn: I give her yarn to run through her hands. Don't ask why but she gets so excited about it.

14. Reading: This we do before bedtime and naps! She has one book she adores called shoe-la-la

15. Face/hand exploration: I get really close to her and let her play with my ears nose cheeks etc. Or I give her my hand and she checks it out and stuffs it in her mouth.

16. Kitty: She loves penny our cat. She gets so excited with her just walking past her. If penny agrees I let Em pet her making sure she doesn't grab and pull.

17. Chores: This activity usually depends on the chore. When I make my bed I cover her up in blankets. While I'm doing laundry I pass her some clothes and tell her to fold them. She usually ends up sticking them in her mouth instead. When doing dishes I name off the items I'm washing while she sits in her swing. It usually takes longer than it would without her but that way during naps I get to write instead of clean. Plus she enjoys it!

18. Snuggle time: This only happens after she eats. She's already in my lap and in a good mood so we cuddle for a few minutes (sometimes only seconds, others as much as 10 min) until she's done and wants to play.

19. Sink time: I turn on the faucet and hold her as she plays in the water.

20. Making a racket: I give her toys (or plastic kitchenware) and let her bang them together. To be honest I'm usually the one who bangs them. She mostly mouths them.

21. Picture Time: I live about 3000 miles away from my family so I show her pictures of her aunts and uncles, grandparents, cousins so she know who they are.

22. Mimics: I try to mimic her sounds and facial expressions.

23. Cook Together: When she's in the mood I'll set her up in her swing or car seat and we chatter while I cook. I let her see what ingredients im using. I let her feel the fruit or the veggies. I show her the meats and the utensils I'm using. If however she's in a bad mood I'll put her in the carrier except for when I need to be by the stove.

24. Bouncing/walking: She pulls up to a standing and tries to walk around my lap or bounces up and down. She loves to be in motion!

25. Alone time (supervised): Some time playing by herself is also needed. I get a few things done I can't do with her and she rolls around on the floor talking to her stuffed animals or bitting on her toys or playing with her toes.

What do you and your LOs do??

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Week Twenty Three

Age today: 22 weeks or 161 days

Age Being Posted: Weeks 22-23 or Days 154-160

Date: May 26- June 1

Diaper Size: 2 or Medium

Clothing Size: 3 months and 3-6 months, First time wearing 6 months!

Photo of the Week: Solid Food!


Milestones: Nothing new this week. See milestone page. (or does eating solid food count as a milestone? hmmm...)

Development: You're growing so much. You hold on to me now and continue to talk and razz. You flip over constantly and try very hard to get your stomach muscles to work so you can sit but you still need my hands to pull you up. You sit in your highchair without any problems. You sit very well supported but still can't do it alone for very long. A few seconds and you topple over.

Concerns: I'm worried you aren't gaining weight like you should...

Eating Habits: 3-31/2 hours, on Saturday (yesterday) you tried you very first bite of rice cereal!

Sleeping Habits: Basically 7-3 or 4, then 6 or 7. 3 naps ranging in length usually between 45-1.15 but one day you did take a 2 hour nap. It was crazy!

Health: Great

Special Moments-
Best: Two hour nap!
Worst: I put the activity center on the floor and you banged your head because there was no blanket underneath!

Other Observations/Activities:  This week we have started the search for a new house once again. Our landlord wants to raise the rent and it's not worth what she's asking for so we're leaving. We've seen two places so far. Both bigger than where we arr now and the rent is the same or lower. So we'll see. We've started packing too. Last year we did it all it two nights but now that we have you that's not possible.  On Saturday you ate solid food for the first time! And loved it! Dadas was so afraid of giving it to you but it was a hit!

Pictures From This Week: Sorry there are so many but I couldn't choose!


I love the last one. It's like  "but... where did the food go?"