Sunday, June 16, 2013

Week Twenty Five

Age today: 25 weeks

Age Being Posted: Weeks 24-25

Date: June 9 - 15

Diaper Size: 2 or Medium

Clothing Size: 3, 3-6, 6

Photo of the Week:

Milestones: Sitting on her own!

Development: You just went through a growth spurt. Im assuming your 6 month growth spurt where you woke up 3 times at night STARVING. But that's over and your waking up once again. You put your butt up in the air and try moving your arms and legs but end up going no where. This frustrates you to no end! You spend most of your day rolling to your tummy and practicing this which during diaper changes frustrates ME to no end. You have also began to sit on your own! Sometimes you still fall to the side bit more often than not you catch yourself and sit back up! Too cute!

Concerns: Weight gain

Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 3 hours, rice cereal or veggies twice a day at 8am and 5pm

Sleeping Habits: Most this week you woke up 2-3 times to eat at night but now are back to once. Your naps are much better!

Health: Healthy

Special Moments-
Best: I wad lifting up your shirt to kiss your side and found out your ticklish now.
Worst: playing in the sink you turned on the faucet and were soaked with cold water!

Other Observations/Activities: This week we didn't do much. We started solids twice a day which you love. I worry its too much because of how everyone says milk is the most important but you still nurse 6-8 times a day so I'm sure it's ok. We had our first fathers day... not a real one.. that's today but we celebrated because dadas has to help someone move tomorrow. We got him a card with your handprints and a t-shirt that says Best. Dad. Ever. It's pretty fun. Then we went to Calacali and spent the day with the dads of your dads side of the family. You met your cousin (again, though I'm sure you didn't remember!) who was born the same very day you were. He is HUGE compared to you BUT I'm not so worried because you can sit up on your own which means you a meeting milestones, having enough diapers, and are always alert and happy so you must just be destined to be small.


Photos From This Week:

2013-06-12 14.47.342013-06-13 12.09.462013-06-11 08.05.50 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  2013-06-11 08.06.15 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  em and carlos




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