Here is a list of things babies will most likely accomplish in their first year. I got this list from the book "What to Expect In The First Year". I definitely recommend it. I loved reading it.
Focus on a face (1 week)
Lift head briefly when on stomach on a flat surface (2 Week)
Respond to a bell (?- responds to sounds. 3 weeks)
Bring both hands together (3 weeks)
Lift head 45 degrees while on stomach ( 4 weeks)
Lift head 90 degrees while on stomach ( 6 weeks)
Smile in response to your smile (7 weeks)
Hold head steady when upright (7 weeks)
Vocalize in ways other than crying cooing (8 weeks)
Follow an object held about 6 inches above face and moved 180 degrees (8 weeks)
Bear some weight on legs when held upright (8 weeks)
Keep head level with body when pulled to sitting ( 8 weeks)
Raise chest supported by arms on stomach (10 weeks)
Laugh out loud week (10 weeks)
Pass a cube or other object from one hand to the other (12 weeks)
Turn in direction of a voice ( do not know—12 weeks)
Say a vowel consonant combination (12 weeks)
Reach for an object (13 weeks)
Squeal in delight (15 weeks)
Roll over (12 weeks, 17 weeks)
Object if you try to take a toy away (19 weeks)
Work to get a toy out of reach ( 19 weeks)
Playing with toes (20 weeks)
Razz (21 weeks)
Look for dropped object (22 Weeks)
Stand holding on to someone or something (22 Weeks)
Rake with fingers a tiny object and pick it up in fist (23 Weeks)
Babble (Combining vowels and consonants) (24 Weeks)
Sit without support (24 Weeks)
Say “mama” or “dada” indiscriminately (Not knowing what it means) (27 Weeks)
Creep or Crawl (28 Weeks, 37 Weeks )
Wave Bye (28 Weeks - off and on, 33 Weeks - almost always)
Pick up tiny object with thumb and finger (pincher grasp) (30 Weeks)
Pull up to standing position from sitting (31 Weeks)
Respond to a one step command with gestures (“Give that to me” said with hand out) (32 Weeks)
Clap Hands (35 Weeks)
Point to something to get needs met (36 Weeks)
Play ball (roll ball back to you) (36 Weeks)
Cruise (walk holding onto furniture) (38 Weeks)
Understand “no” (40 Weeks)
Get into a sitting position from stomach (40 Weeks)
Say “mama” or “dada” discriminately (knowing what it means) (41 Weeks)
Use immature jargoning (gibberisth that sounds as if baby is really talking) (43 Weeks)
Say one word other than mama or dada (44 Weeks)
Stand alone momentarily
Drink from cup independently
Stand alone well
Walk well
Say three or more words other than mama or dada
Respond to a one-step command without gestures
First Time Obedience Tips for Parents
When you have first-time obedience, your child listens to you the first
time you give an instruction. This is not easy to do, but it can be
1 day ago
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