Sunday, June 23, 2013

Week Twenty Six (6 Months)

Age today: 26 weeks and exactly 6 months!

Age Being Posted: Weeks 25-26

Date: June 16 - 22

Diaper Size: 2 or Medium

Clothing Size: 3, 3-6, 6

Photo of the Week: Looking So Grown Up!

2013-06-17 14.54.22

Milestones: Nothing new this week but check out the milestones page for those already passed

Development: Every time I look at you I can't help but think how grown up you are getting. It seems like you are less of a baby and more of a toddler. I love it but at the same time it's sad. I'm going to miss the baby days! But everyday that passes you learn a little more and get a little more active and vocal about what you like and what you don't like. I'm learning to love every moment because you sure keep mom on her toes!

Concerns:I'm just worried that when we go to the doctor you won't have gained as much weight as she wants you too or how much you SHOULD. I feel like your growing and passing milestones... but I'm so worried about it

Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 3 hours, rice cereal or veggies twice a day at 10am and 5pm

Sleeping Habits:Great night sleep and great naps... pretty soon I'm going to stop feeding you at night at all but I'm waiting to see your weight gain this week

Health: Healthy

Special Moments-
Best: We were in such a hurry to go to Calacali so we put you in your pack n play so we could finish backing and both dadas and I were SO surprised when you just chatted away in there, screaming happily as we passed by running to get everything ready. It was so cute and so helpful!
Worst: In Calacali we didn't take the pack and play and just had you sleep between us. AWFUL idea. You woke up every 45 minutes wanting to play. NEVER again.

Other Observations/Activities: Well you celebrated you first official fathers day! You didn't give your dadas such a great one when you woke up 10 times at night and then were awake for the day at 530. Other than that it was really nice. We spent the week packing because we're moving at the end of the month. We've been playing and you spend a lot of your day just sitting up. I never let you on the floor because we have tile and when you want a toy out of reach you have no problem just throwing yourself to it so I only sit you up when I'm sitting there with you just in case. We went to Calacali and I'm certain (not that I doubted it before) you just don't like people. You get really mad when there are too many, even if they aren't paying attention to you. You just like to be with a few and better if you know them. But more than 2 or 3 forget it!

Pictures From This Week:

2013-06-20 16.24.00 2013-06-20 16.31.44 2013-06-20 16.49.05  2013-06-19 15.24.13OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA


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