First Time Obedience Tips for Parents
When you have first-time obedience, your child listens to you the first
time you give an instruction. This is not easy to do, but it can be
{The Wednesday Hit List}: Top 5 Beauty YouTubers
This week's Wednesday Hit List post will probably come as a total shocker
to everyone! But I am pretty excited to share with you all my 5 most favorite
be...'s me
Hello again. It has been so very long since I've been on here... I almost
dont know where to start. So much has happened and changed in our'...
We've Moved!
To a new URL. The Journey of Autumn can now be found at
Apparently I have no clue how to do this whole blogging thing b...
44 Weeks Old....
Shorts (Gap)
This was the best I could do lol. This child kept turning over as fast as
he could every time I got to 3 in the counting!! He knew exactly ...
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