Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Breastfeeding VS. Formula Part III: What to do?

For me it was easy to decide for a lot reasons the main ones being its better and costs less money. But I don't think the decision is quite so easy for some people.

So here's how I think everyone should look at it.

1. What's better for the baby?

This is the most important because your baby doesn't have an option. You're deciding. They have no say.

And I think this is always breastmilk

2. What's better for mom?

Because your advocating for your baby its hard to look at this alone but its important too.

Happy mom = happy baby

I would take a look at each and see what would fit my lifestyle better. Although pumping is an option for working mom it may not be better for mom. Try and look at every aspect. Time constraints, money, how you feel etc.

3. When one and two are different

What happens when what's best for baby isn't best for mom? Well I think you have to look at it together. Is mom going to be that unhappy? Is it impossible for mom to pump or find a milk bank to buy from? (Being as best for baby is always breast milk) If answers are yes then try it. If it doesn't work out move on to formula. Because that is always an option... you can't really decide to breastfeed after weeks of formula.

I don't want to sound like I think formula is poison. It's not. Its an amazing invention that allows people to feed their baby when they a. Don't have enough (or any) milk b. Have a baby who wont latch c. When breastfeeding is medically impossible.

BUT I do think formula should never be the first option. For all that can breastmilk should be the first choice. If it doesn't work, it just doesn't work. Move on. But how will you know if you don't try?

Of course many people out there just don't want to... to each their own. No judging here. I even might be singing a different tune had breastfeeding not be so ridiculously easy.

After all you're the mom and its your decision. Do what you believe is right. For me it was breastfeeding but for a lot if people its formula.

Go to Part IV of this series. Or return to Part II of this series


Breastfeeding VS. Formula Part IV: Your Choices Are YOUR Choices | Emilynn's First Year said...

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Breastfeeding VS. Formula Part II: Formula Benefits | Emilynn's First Year said...

[…] Part III of this series. Or return to Part I of this […]

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