Age Being Posted: Days 0-6
Date: December 23 - 29
Diaper Size: Newborn... and its a little big!
Clothing Size: newborn
Photo of the Week: Little Strawberry
Milestone: Focus on a face
Development: You're the most beautiful little thing. You seem so fragile. You sleep all the time except to eat. While sleeping you do these little sleep grins. Oh who cares they say it isn't a real smile! It's adorable! While your eating you stare up at me unless you're really hungry then you just look straight forward determined to get all the milk there is!
Concerns: Your little chin seems to tremble while you're eating and I'm not sure why. You also make this weird sound while sleeping like you aren't getting enough oxygen.
Eating Habits: Breast milk, every 1-2 hours during day. Every 3 at night
Sleeping Habits: All day and night. Luckily a bit more at night.
Health: You're still on antibiotics that we have to give around 10am everyday
Special Moments-
Best: When we could bring you home!
Worst: When we got the phone call in the middle of the night saying they were hooking you up to an IV.
This Weeks Observations/Activities: Well, you were born. You got really sick and couldn't come home. You got better but are still on antibiotics and even though we left the hospital we still aren't "home" but at your grandparents house.
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