Thursday, April 25, 2013

What I Want For My little Girl

I want her to play with cars and legos and action figures right along with her baby dolls and barbies. I want to play cowboys and indians with her just as I'll play house.

I don't want her growing up thinking she has to wear dresses or always do her hair. I want to show her sometimes its okay to get dirty and look like a mess because those who love you shouldn't expect you to be perfect all the time.

I want her to know that she deserves a guy who will treat her right. One that doesn't abuse her in anyway whether it be physically emotionally or sexually. I want her to know that her body is hers and she is the only one who has the right to decide what happens to it.

I want her to find someone who will do things for her but I want her to be able to do them for herself as well. I don't want her to except someone else (whether it be her husband, father, brother or even me) to do it for her.

I want her to have people to count on but not abuse that right. I want her to know girls can change tires and fix sinks and hammer nails.

I want her to know that there will be some things that come easy for her and some things that are hard but not to quit or give up.

I want her to realize that everyone has a voice and an opinion and that's ok even if it's different from hers but its still ok to fight for what she believes.

I want her to look at people for who they are and not their color or sex or religion.

I want her to grow up with set values and beliefs. I want her to be confident in who she is and what she wants.

I want her to know I will love her always. No matter what.


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