Sunday, March 31, 2013

Week Fourteen

Age today: 14 weeks or 98 days

Age Being Posted: Weeks 13-14 or Days 91-97

Date: March 24 - 30

Diaper Size: small or size 1

Clothing Size: 0-3. 3

Weight: 11 lbs                                                Height: 60cm                                            Head C. 38 cm

Photo of the Week: Horses!


Milestones: Nothing new this week. See milestones page for milestones already passed

Development: Growing like a weed and you hardly ever cry anymore. You have other sounds that let me know that you are getting annoyed. Sometimes I get it wrong and you let me know. You do however, cry when we aren't home WAY more than when we are. I think you just like your familiar surroundings.

Concerns: You seem to not smile when we are away from home or there are a lot of people. I don't know if that's normal.

Eating Habits: Only breast milk, every 3 hours

Sleeping Habits: AMAZING night sleep! Between 7.5 - 8 hour stretch and then another 2-3 hours. LOVE IT. We moved your bedtime up a little so it's around 7 now. GREAT DECISION!

Health: NONE!

Special Moments-
Best: When the doctor said you didn't have reflux anymore and I have been eating milk!
Worst: Vaccines

The Doctor Visit: Here we have a checkup every month and get vaccines from 2-7 months because they split up the PCV from the others. I have no problem with this because 1. I like to see how much you weigh each month 2. I think splitting up vaccines is better. So we went. The doctor asked about everything and was surprised at how much you slept at night. She examined you and was so surprised at how well you lifted your head an chest and when we told her you were already rolling over from tummy to back. She then checked and said your reflux was gone! I was so relieved to hear that because I had been eating milk! I knew it was an oversupply issue, not a milk intolerance!

This Weeks Observations/Activities: Well we went to the doctor and calacali. You got ontop of a horse with dadas -- just for a picture! You slept from 9-4:30am on saturday night. I woke up and had to check on you a few times because I was worried but you were just fine. Wow. It really was a great night for me.

Photos From This Week:


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Em's Cousin Vincent

I lost my nephew to child abuse three years ago today.

You never think it's going to happen to you. And then one day, it does. You read these horror stories or watch them on the news and you think how did it go that far? How did someone not see it? How did it end up like that?

And you know what? I think the same thing about Vince.

I saw him a weekend before it happened. He spent the day at my mom's house. Before that I hadn't seen him in 6 months. And I remember thinking, something's off. He looks unhappy. He looks skinny. He looks... different.

This was him as I remember him...

And then when I saw him the last time...


His "mom" had just recently left my brother and so I thought maybe it was that. He missed his daddy. I'd heard of children regressing when their parents split up, even at a young age so I contributed it to that and the bruises were all explained.

He fell.

Oh, I accidentally hit his head on the car door.

He bumped into the table.

Well, that sounded reasonable. I have 6 other nieces and nephews and all of them are covered in bruises 95 percent of the time from something they decided was a good idea. Like jumping on the bed. Or rolling down the stairs in a laundry basket. You know kids.

But I think back to that particular day a lot and wish I would have done something right then. I struggle with exactly what. Call the police? Social services? Just take him with me?

Something. Anything.

And every time I think about it, I feel guilty. Because I know that if I would have done something that day everything would be so much different now.

But I didn't. And that next weekend I didn't get to see him. And I will never get to again.

That next weekend I went to her baby shower of the newest addition to the family. 6 week old Tarah Jayne, Vincents little sister.

Vincent did not join us that day. She said he was sick. He had "pink eye".

Later in the day she got a call informing her that Vincent was in the hospital. Unconscious. He had not woke up from his nap.

There are no words to explain how I felt at that moment. And I'm a writer. I use words to express everything. But I can't even begin. It something that goes beyond words.

We drove to the hospital and once we were together in a small room, my brother and step dad both missing because my brother couldn't be found and my step dad was on his way in from another town. The doctor joined us and informed us that Vincent was gone.

And I knew then it wasn't an accident. It wasn't a disease. Someone had done it to him. I was certain before anything else happened that Vincent had been hurt purposely. That his mom had chose the wrong guy to live with.

I went with my mom to find my brother. And we found him. And I was the one to inform him that Vincent was in the hospital. That he needed to go there and say goodbye because he wasn't going to wake up. That Vincent James Hill, his little boy, was gone.

I'll never forget that.

Katheryen "Nycole" Dale, Vincents mother, was convicted of 3 years in prison. Chad Char was sentenced to 20 years after accepting a plea agreement.

You can read the story here. There are quite a few news stories of it but I "like" this one because the title is "People You'll See in Hell". It isn't for the faint hearted. Trust me.

I miss him. And I wish I could go back and change everything. I wish I could take him and his little sister away from that house. I wish I could stop it.

But I can't go back. And even though Vincent is gone little Miss Tarah Jayne is still here. And she's a beautiful happy little girl with a very amazing angel watching over her.


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Week Thirteen (3 Months)

Age today: 13 weeks or 91 days

Age Being Posted: Weeks 12-13 or Days 84-90

Date: March 17 - 23

Diaper Size: small or size 1

Clothing Size: 0-3, 3

Photo of the Week: Tummy Time


Milestones: Reach for objects

Development: Well this week you turned 3 months old (check out the overview of this month)! Your getting bigger and stronger but I do think it's more in length than in weight because you don't seem quite as chunky as you use to but you do feel heavier. You now reach out your hand to take something from me but you don't quite have the coordination to actually get the object but your getting there!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Breastfeeding VS. Formula Part II: Formula Benefits

Now I can't say I really thought there was more benefits while I was pregnant I did come to see them while breastfeeding.

1. A Break: Oh how I wanted someone else to feed her just once! I wanted more than 3-4 hours of sleep. I could have managed it with pumping and giving a bottle but I didn't want nipple confusion.

2. A Different Kind Of Convenience: I was always worried about supply and being with my baby all the time. Formula can be given by anyone. No worrying about supply and demand either.

3. Public Displays: Im shy. I can't help it so breastfeeding in public is very off putting for me. (Don't mind seeing it but I hate having to do it!) With a bottle there is no pulling up your shirt in a public place

4. Opinions on Weaning: God everyone has a idea about when you have to stop. Some say when baby has teeth. Others age one. And some who say until baby wants to. Let people make their own decisions! Formula you stop at one year. (People do, however, have opinions on when to stop giving a bottle)

5.Eating/Drinking whatever whenever: alcohol for one and all the foods doctors say you shouldn't eat. Broccoli beans dairy eggs etc.

These are the reasons I thought about using formula but I never did. But as much as people talk about the benefits of breastfeeding I thought these should be said as well.

See Part III of this series. Or return to Part I of this series.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Week Twelve

Age today: 12 weeks or 84 days

Age Being Posted: Weeks 11-12 or Days 77-83

Date: March 10 - 16

Diaper Size: small or size 1

Clothing Size: 0-3, 3

Photo of the Week: Curious Baby!


Milestones: turn in the direction of a voice, pass a cube (or other object) from one hand to the other, say vowel consonant combination, roll over from tummy to back.

Development: You're getting bigger and stronger everyday. You love to "scream". You've been making quite a racket for a while now but this week you REALLY found your voice. You wake up so happy even from short naps and it's hard to be irritated (but I sometimes still am!). You love when dadas gets home and can't stop smiling. You, however, are pretty serious anytime we are out and about. You like HOME. Your grammy says I was the EXACT same. Also you are now able to pass objects from one hand to the other. Afterwards it almost ALWAYS ends up in your mouth. Everyone is SO amazed that you are already doing this. "Turn in the direction of a voice" I'm not sure if was passed this week or a few weeks ago. I wasn't paying too much attention to that but you do it. And if the person talking isn't in your viewpoint you head is all over the place trying to locate that voice. It seemed to take you forever to coo but now that you do you seem to be able to do everything so quickly. You are now able to put vowels and consonants together. You also did a HUGE milestone. You rolled over from your tummy to your back! AND I got it on video!

Concerns: None

Eating Habits: Only breast milk every 2h30 - 3 hours during the day and once at night

Sleeping Habits: From 9-3, 3-6 and various 15-30min naps

Health: Perrrrfect

Special Moments-
    Best: This has come to be the hardest section not because I can't think of "best" moments but usually it's not just ONE thing. It's a thousand things rolled up together. Like the way you smile when I come and get you, not just one time, but EVERY morning. The way you snuggle up to me when you want to sleep, the way you cry when I'm not around. It's not just one thing, it's so many.
Worst: Although it's sweet, they way you will not sleep anywhere but on my shoulder!

This Weeks Observations/Activities: We finally decorated your room! I also don't think you have a milk allergy. I have been reading up on it and it sounds to me like I have an oversupply. I'm going to try to see if feeding you on just one side will help out because not eating dairy and the medicine the doctor gave us doesn't seem to be doing a thing. Other than that just our regular eating and playing and not sleeping!

Photos From This Week:

2013-03-10 07.18.58 2013-03-10 07.25.15 2013-03-10 10.09.05 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 2013-03-10 13.28.25

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Breastfeeding VS. Formula Part I: Breastmilk Benefits

Formula is so common now that it seems like sometimes there is no reason to breastfeed. Worrying about supply and being away from your baby do add to fact many people don't bother to breastfeed. But we, I think, are forgetting about the benefits.

Im going to list a few here that made me decide breastfeeding was best.

1. It's natural. We may not know everything that goes into it but we do know there isn't anything artificial

2. Antibodies: More antibodies = better chance of not getting sick. And I didn't ever want to see my baby sick. Especially not after those first few days. (Read here, here, here, and here)

3. Bonding I do not think this is just limited to breastfeeding but I think its easier to do. With formula (bottles) its a lot easier to delegate it off(this is not so bad) to someone else and when old enough to prob the bottle or just give it to the child.

4. Cheaper (money wise): Realistically formula was just not an option we could afford

5. Convenience: No bottles or water or formula to remember just a lift of the shirt!

Those are the five reasons I choose to breastfeed before I even had a baby but there are so many more benefits. Here are a couple of links...

1. Benefits of Breastfeeding

2. How Breastfeeding benefits You and Your Baby

3. Why Breastfeeding Is Important

4. Why Breast Is Best

Number 4 is a link to MANY pages that state different benefits.

But like I stated before breastfeeding isn't all roses and sometimes the drawbacks outweigh the benefits.. especially when formula feeding has its own benefits.

Check out Part II Formula benefits

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Week Eleven

Age today: 11 weeks or 77 days

Age Being Posted: Weeks 10-11 or Days 70-76

Date: March 3 - 9

Diaper Size: small or size 1

Clothing Size: 0-3, 3

Photo of the Week: Way Back From Embassy-SO happy!

2013-03-06 09.25.06

Milestones: Nothing new this week. See milestones page for milestones already passed

Development: You are trying to roll over from your tummy to your back now! I can see you get so mad when you can't quite do it. You turn to you side and then fall back over. It's cute until you start complaining about not being able to do it!

Concerns: None

Eating Habits: Only breastmilk, every 2-2h30

Sleeping Habits: Once again we're back to good nights. Just waking up once around 2. Naps are still bad!

Health: Great

Special Moments-
    Best: The people at the embassy saying you were going to get your US citizenship!
Worst: Can't think of anything!

This Weeks Observations/Activities: This week we had to do the Newborn Screening even though you are far from a NEWborn now. Your almost 3 months old! But the hospital you were born at didn't do it and so we had to go and do it. The nurse was awful and slow at it and hurt you really bad. I almost cried and dadas was so mad! We also took in the pictures to the embassy and they said you are a US citizen. We have to go back in a couple weeks to get your passport and birth report.

Pictures From This Week:

2013-03-09 14.50.54 2013-03-04 09.18.40 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 2013-03-07 12.13.12 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Why I Breastfeed..

When I was little it was never a question I'd thought about. My dolls were given bottles of pretend formula. And I always imagined myself doing the same for my real babies.

Formula is EVERYWHERE. In my entire life I've seen someone breastfeeding all of 3 times. 2 were not even in the U.S.

I'm not sure why I even decided I would breastfeed. No one in my family did (except my own mom for all of 3 months) so it wasn't normal to me.

But when I got pregnant I researched everything. (Really--Everything) And I read What to Expect In The First Year which had quite a bit of information on breastfeeding alone. I read articles about the benefits. I read articles about the benefits being way overestimated. I read about the bonding and articles about how time consuming it was. I read about doctors who pushed formula and women getting in traps by schedules and supplements.

By the time I was 25 weeks pregnant I swore I was an expert. And I decided a few things.

1. I was going to breastfeed.
2. I would breastfeed for 1 year
3. I would not supplement

All three of these things I decided I would do for my baby. Not me. If it was up to me. Formula. But this was my baby and no one can convince me formula is just as good for babies.

It's not.

Science is a wonderful amazing thing but nature is better.

Now I don't want to sound judgmental because if breastfeeding hadn't been an option I wouldn't have thought twice about using formula but because it was an option I didn't think twice about not.

So back to the real question. Why do I breastfeed?

1. For my daughter: It's natural. There is nothing artificial about it. It's giving her the best start possible.

2. For me: I didn't realize it at first but now I do. I also breastfeed for me. It's relaxing and easy and I feel better about myself as a mom by doing so.

3. For my family: Breastfeeding is so much cheaper! And it saves my husband and I lots of money every month.

4. For everyone: I honestly believe the more normal breastfeeding becomes, the more women will start doing it (much to the dismay of formula companies) and I think I contribute to making it more normal so one day another women will see it's the best way to go

Why do you breastfeed? Or why don't you?

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Week Ten

Age today: 10 weeks or 70 days

Age Being Posted: Weeks 9-10 or Days 63-69

Date: February 24 - March 2

Diaper Size: small or size 1

Clothing Size: 0-3, 3

Weight: 9 lbs 11 oz
Height: 55 cm
Head C.: 36 cm

Photo of the Week: Sleeping in Your Carseat

2013-02-25 10.11.48

Milestones: raise chest when supported by arms (while on stomach),  laugh out loud

Development: You're a chunky baby now! I can't believe how much you've grown. I look at your checks and belly and can't believe you are the same baby! You move around so much more now. I find you sideways in your crib and I have no idea how you got that way! Now you can laugh which is probably the most adorable sound I've ever heard! You did it at first to dadas (Only fair--I got your first smile!) but have done it a couple times so far. Also while you're on your tummy you can now raise up your little chest! It's amazing how much strength those little arms have.

Concerns: Vaccine reaction! And head circumference. The doctor doesn't seem worried at all but I feel its too small/growing slow.

Eating Habits: Every 2-2h30 during the day, 2 times at night.

Sleeping Habits: After 2 am you wake up at 4am and then again at 6. It's killing me!

Health: Just perfect

Special Moments-
    Best: Taking you to get your American passport and birth record!
Worst: Vaccines!

The Doctor Visit: We went to your 2 month checkup this week. We told her all about your routine and night schedule. We talked about your reflux which hadn't improved as much as she hoped so she subscribed some medicine. We asked a few questions about the vaccines that you had to get (DTP, Hib, IPV, Rota ) which I think is ALOT for a 2 month old but I still believe vaccines are important so we got them. You spit out the Rota but the doctor said it was fast absorbing. The other ones you screamed because of the needle but within 5 minutes you were fine.

This Weeks Observations/Activities: This week we did SO much! You giggled for the first time on Feb 24th at dadas because he is silly! On the 25th we went to get your Ecuadorian cedula with me and your aunt Dani. What a complication getting your picture done! That same day, but in the evening, we went to the doctor and got shots. Ouch! I slept in your room because I was worried because you had a fever and were just really fussy. On the 26th we went to the US embassy to get your birth report and passport. It took forever and we have to go back in a couple of weeks because I forgot to take pictures of when I was pregnant and when I had you. After that we went to the passport place for your Ecuadorian passport and got that within an hour! By the time we were leaving though you had gotten a fever again so we gave you medicine and called the doctor. She told us only to worry if you still had the fever after 72 hours. And you didn't! So all is good!

Pictures From This Week:

2013-02-24 08.11.38 2013-02-25 11.17.09 2013-03-01 10.52.52 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA