Age Being Posted: Weeks 11-12 or Days 77-83
Date: March 10 - 16
Diaper Size: small or size 1
Clothing Size: 0-3, 3
Photo of the Week: Curious Baby!
Milestones: turn in the direction of a voice, pass a cube (or other object) from one hand to the other, say vowel consonant combination, roll over from tummy to back.
Development: You're getting bigger and stronger everyday. You love to "scream". You've been making quite a racket for a while now but this week you REALLY found your voice. You wake up so happy even from short naps and it's hard to be irritated (but I sometimes still am!). You love when dadas gets home and can't stop smiling. You, however, are pretty serious anytime we are out and about. You like HOME. Your grammy says I was the EXACT same. Also you are now able to pass objects from one hand to the other. Afterwards it almost ALWAYS ends up in your mouth. Everyone is SO amazed that you are already doing this. "Turn in the direction of a voice" I'm not sure if was passed this week or a few weeks ago. I wasn't paying too much attention to that but you do it. And if the person talking isn't in your viewpoint you head is all over the place trying to locate that voice. It seemed to take you forever to coo but now that you do you seem to be able to do everything so quickly. You are now able to put vowels and consonants together. You also did a HUGE milestone. You rolled over from your tummy to your back! AND I got it on video!
Concerns: None
Eating Habits: Only breast milk every 2h30 - 3 hours during the day and once at night
Sleeping Habits: From 9-3, 3-6 and various 15-30min naps
Health: Perrrrfect
Special Moments-
Best: This has come to be the hardest section not because I can't think of "best" moments but usually it's not just ONE thing. It's a thousand things rolled up together. Like the way you smile when I come and get you, not just one time, but EVERY morning. The way you snuggle up to me when you want to sleep, the way you cry when I'm not around. It's not just one thing, it's so many.
Worst: Although it's sweet, they way you will not sleep anywhere but on my shoulder!
This Weeks Observations/Activities: We finally decorated your room! I also don't think you have a milk allergy. I have been reading up on it and it sounds to me like I have an oversupply. I'm going to try to see if feeding you on just one side will help out because not eating dairy and the medicine the doctor gave us doesn't seem to be doing a thing. Other than that just our regular eating and playing and not sleeping!
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