Sunday, March 10, 2013

Week Eleven

Age today: 11 weeks or 77 days

Age Being Posted: Weeks 10-11 or Days 70-76

Date: March 3 - 9

Diaper Size: small or size 1

Clothing Size: 0-3, 3

Photo of the Week: Way Back From Embassy-SO happy!

2013-03-06 09.25.06

Milestones: Nothing new this week. See milestones page for milestones already passed

Development: You are trying to roll over from your tummy to your back now! I can see you get so mad when you can't quite do it. You turn to you side and then fall back over. It's cute until you start complaining about not being able to do it!

Concerns: None

Eating Habits: Only breastmilk, every 2-2h30

Sleeping Habits: Once again we're back to good nights. Just waking up once around 2. Naps are still bad!

Health: Great

Special Moments-
    Best: The people at the embassy saying you were going to get your US citizenship!
Worst: Can't think of anything!

This Weeks Observations/Activities: This week we had to do the Newborn Screening even though you are far from a NEWborn now. Your almost 3 months old! But the hospital you were born at didn't do it and so we had to go and do it. The nurse was awful and slow at it and hurt you really bad. I almost cried and dadas was so mad! We also took in the pictures to the embassy and they said you are a US citizen. We have to go back in a couple weeks to get your passport and birth report.

Pictures From This Week:

2013-03-09 14.50.54 2013-03-04 09.18.40 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 2013-03-07 12.13.12 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA


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