Sunday, April 14, 2013

Week Sixteen

Age today: 16 weeks or 112 days

Age Being Posted: Weeks 15-16 or Days 105- 111

Date: April 7 - 13

Diaper Size: 1 or small

Clothing Size: 0-3, 3, and the first time wearing 3-6 months!

Photo of the Week: Dadas and His Two Girls 2013-04-10 14.17.20

Milestones: Nothing new this week. See milestones page for milestones already passed.

Development: Still growing like a little weed! I swear it seems like you can do something new everyday! You love to grab at your feet and eat your little hands. You especially love chatting with me while your hands are in you mouth. You are trying very hard to roll over from you back to your front but you can't seem to quite get it yet so you get really frustrated!

Concerns:  It's a crazy thing to be concerned about but I wonder if it's okay for you to sleep as much as you have been! I won't wake you up but I just worry... ALL THE TIME!

Eating Habits: Only breastmilk, every 3 hours, the beginning of the week once at night but you dropped that one

Sleeping Habits: Night: For the past 4 days you have been sleeping 10-11 hour nights! I don't know how it happened but all of a sudden you stopped waking up at 3am! Day: Naps are still pretty rocky. Sometimes they are OK, sometimes really bad... hardly ever good. If you keep sleeping through the night I won't mind a bit!

Health: Nothing to worry about here. Healthy as a horse (what a funny saying)

Special Moments-
    Best: Obviously sleeping through the night! Mom got 10 hours of uninterrupted sleep!
    Worst: Apparently you weren't eating as much this week and mom got a plugged duct! Oh, the pain. Funny thing is this happened BEFORE you started sleeping through the night. Weird!

This Weeks Observations/Activities: Our week was pretty uneventful. We just stayed at home playing most of the week. And since mom didn't feel good for a couple of days you were fine with this and stayed with me in bed so I could feel better. You seem not to mind, you can't seem to get enough of my silly faces! What a perfect little baby, you are!

Pictures From This Week:



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