Sunday, April 7, 2013

Week Fifteen

Age today: 15 weeks or 105 days

Age Being Posted: Weeks 14-15 or Days 98-104

Date: March 31 - April 6

Photo of the Week: Story Time!


Milestones: Squeal in delight

Development: I think every parent says this at one time or another but it's crazy how much babies grow. One second they are flailing around, their arms and legs having almost no control to reaching out and grabbing things. I can't believe that the same little baby who was only a little over 6 pounds is now this little chunk who has a opinion on everything, who is so curious about the world. And these days you are so excited/vocal about everything. You see Penny (our kitty) and laugh and just recently started squealing! It's so cute

Concerns: None

Eating Habits: Only breastmilk every 3 hours and once at night

Sleeping Habits: bedtime 6:30-7, wake up and nurse between 2-4, 6-6:30 awake for day

Health: One healthy little girl!

Special Moments-
I know this is supposed to be all about you BUT you napped one day for an hour and a half. OH. Amazing!
Worst: I tried putting you to sleep again after a short nap and you were so mad that you cried for a long time because you were so angry. I could tell you were furious with me

This Weeks Observations/Activities:  You rode Negro on Sunday of last week and dadas was so happy! This weekend (Saturday) your dadas and I were invited to a get together because one of his friends graduated college. So we went and took you along with us since you can't stand to be without mamas too long! Well, you were a hit. And when you got cranky I feed you and put you in the Kunga (a moby wrap like thing) and you went to sleep and let dadas and I just hang out. We had a really great time. Everyone commented on what a good baby you were! We also started a new bedtime routine. The routine has been the same since you were about a week (bath, lotion, boob, bed) but we added books to the mix so now it's book, bath, lotion, boob, and bed. Nighttime sleep is great so something must be working.

Photos From This Week:

2013-04-01 12.04.31 2013-04-06 16.10.56 2013-04-06 20.32.38 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA


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