Sunday, January 5, 2014

Week Fifty Four

Age today: 54 Weeks

Age Being Posted: Weeks 53-54

Date: December 29 - January 5

Diaper Size: 3 or Medium

Clothing Size: 6-9 months and 9 months

Photo of the Week: 

Milestones:  Nothing new this week

Development: You are becoming a toddler. You are throwing tantrums (little ones, but still tantrums and we DO NOT give in), your testing boundaries, and deciding if you want to eat or not. You are demanding now. You have all your little wants and needs and you make them known and NO is not something you like to hear. I see you working the angle, seeing if crying will work or laying your head on my shoulder. Very adorable. But can be really annoying as well!

Words: Mum, da-da, pen (penny, our kitty), bye, hi, no, done, nigh nigh (night night), Paw-paw (grandpa), ya, mine, snack (nack) milk, aqua, wow-wow(puppy) moo (cow) ta-ta (grandpa)

Concerns: Weight

Eating Habits: Breastfeeding three times a day and 3 meals and 2 snacks. Next week will be cutting down the breastfeeds to two a day.

Sleeping Habits: Still 2 naps a day, and sleeping through the night

Health: Healthy

Special Moments-  The zoo, new years, and calacali!

Other Observations/Activities:  This week we went to the zoo! You had so much fun watching the animals especially the bear. It was hilarious watching you. We also spent new years eve at your great aunts farm. We went there really early in the morning and spent the whole day going outside, seeing the horses and the cows and all the other animals like the ducks and sheep. You had a blast. Of course you went to sleep at 730 or so and I didn't go to bed until three. But guess who was awake at 530?? So yes, it was a long day. But completely worth it!

Pictures From This Week: 


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