The thing I think about the most on Valentines Day is from a movie… which I can’t seem to recall the name of… but it doesn’t matter. It isn’t hearts or Love or spending time with my husband (am I awful or what?) but the line “Valentines Day is a holiday invented by greeting card companies to make people feel like crap”.
Now while I have a husband and we’ve been together for the past 6 Valentine’s days I do remember those years I didn’t have someone. Well, I was in high school but still I think it does make people feel like crap. Especially if all your friends/siblings/parents have someone to spend it with and you don’t. You can stay home every night of the week and be completely fine with it but then it’s Valentines and you feel pretty lonely.
What does this have to do with Em?
Nothing really except I hope she doesn’t have to feel like that.
There is something about being a mom, or parent really, that makes you want to prevent your child from feeling any pain whatsoever. But you can’t and even if you could, should you?
Pain is important. It stops us from burning off our hand when we pull something out of the stove. It stops us from trying to walk on a broken leg. It keeps us from returning to the guy who made us feel worthless.
Without pain the world would be a disaster.
So a little pain for our children is good. It teaches them (and us) about what to do. And plus if you never have bad Valentines days, you’ll never appreciate the really good ones.
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