Age Being Posted: Weeks 5-6 or Days 35-41
Date: January 27 - February 2
Diaper Size: Newborn...still!
Clothing Size: newborn, 0-3
Photo of the Week: New Car Seat
Weight: 7 lbs 12 oz
Height: 53 cm
Head C: 35 in
Milestones: Lift head 90 degrees while on stomach
Development: Wow. You're growing so much. I don't understand how you are still in newborn things! You can also lift your little head so much more like you just wants to see the world around you.
Concerns: You doesn't seem to be making any real cooing sounds. Still just crying.
Eating Habits: Only breast milk every 2 - 2h15 hours, once at "night" but it's 9-2, 2-5, 5-7
Sleeping Habits: Night sleep is wonderful! Naps are kinda iffy. You hate to nap in your crib and only likes to be on my shoulder during the day
Health: Perrrrfect
Special Moments-
Best: We got you a swing! and you loooooove it... still not great naps but better : )
Worst: Can't think of anything bad!
Other Observations/Notes: This week our doctor once again cancelled on us so (FINALLY) Pedro agreed we needed to look for another doctor. Pedro's mom found us one and we went to the appointment on Thursday.
The Doctor Visit: God... where to start?! She asked all about our family history, my pregnancy, your birth, the time you spent in the hospital. Then she moved on to you routines how much you ate, slept, pooped, peed. Unlike the other doctor she said it was fine! We showed her the scans of your hips which had been a little abnormal. She wasn't too conceded though. She then examined you. She looked at everything and I loved how gentle and sweet she was to you. She weighed and measured you. Then she talked to us about you. This is what she said...
Your growing is great but you have a little bit of reflux so she prohibited milk and eggs for me. Although your hips are a little out of place she doesn't see reason to put on a harness because most likely they will fix themselves and at your 5 month checkup we need to do another exam. We are still supposed to give you vitamin d and obviously nothing but breast milk.
We were in there for 1h30 unlike other doc! And I really like her. I'm so glad we found her
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