Age Being Posted: Weeks 8-9 or Days 56-61
Date: February 17 - 23
Diaper Size: Size 1 or small
Photo of the Week: Little Miss Blue Eyes!
Milestones: Nothing new this week -- She had such a busy week last week guess there was nothing left! See milestones page for list of milestones already passed.
Development: I know they say its not possible but I swear you're eyes are getting bluer. They say eyes can change up to even 2 years though most are set by a year but they never get lighter only darker. I swear yours are lighter I don't care what "they" say. I look at old pictures of you (haha-8 weeks ago) and you've changed so much already! Wow. You're so much sturdier now. Chunky cheeks and thighs. You're adorable.
Concerns: Still puking and no milk. I'm getting severely irritated. I wouldn't mind not eating it if you were actually getting better!
Eating Habits: Only breast milk every 2-2h30 and once at night and early morning
Sleeping Habits: Still a good 5-6 hour stretch. Naps are hit and miss. Some are OK. Others not so much.
Health: Perfect!
Special Moments-
Best: The bedtime feeding you eat and it's just me and you time and I love it
Worst: Bath time is awful now and dadas and I have no idea why but you cry and cry and cry. You use to love your bath
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