Age Being Posted: Weeks 7-8 or Days 49-55
Date: February 10 - 16
Diaper Size: Size 1 or small
Clothing Size: 0-3, 3
Photo of the Week: With Grandma!
Milestones: Vocalize in other ways than crying, follow an object above face moved 180 degrees, bear some weight on legs when brought to a standing, keep head level with body when pulled to a sitting
Development: You don't seem to be having your Witching hour anymore. You stay awake still from about 5-9 with a 15 min cat nap sometimes but you're not crying. I want to move your bedtime but dadas doesn't think so yet. Also you have begun to finally coo! It's such a welcome sound. I was starting to worry but you have found your voice now and love to use it! And wow what a week you had! You seem to be doing everything now. You can watch a toy from one side to the other. You love to pull up to standing and have quite the little muscles in your legs. When I sit you up now your head stays up, doesn't fall back like it did last week. I can't believe you can do so much already!
Concerns: Although you aren't crying anymore you're still throwing up lots of your food 1-2 a day and I'm not eating dairy. Maybe its still in my system though.
Eating Habits: Just breast milk Every 2-2h30 and once at night and early morning
Sleeping Habits: Usually a good 5-6 hour stretch then another 3. Naps... well let's not even talk about those
Health: Great... I think I'm going to delete these section! You're just so healthy. Actually on second thought ill leave it up. Something to be thankful for!
Special Moments-
Best:When I go into your room in the morning you are so ridiculously excited and even without sleep it melts my heart
Worst:Honestly can't think of anything.
This Weeks Activities/Observations: Well you had your very first Valentines day! And this was the first year in a long time I wasn't your dadas Valentine! He made you his little valentine. What jealousy!
Photos From This Week:
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