Age today: 50 Weeks
Age Being Posted: Weeks 49 - 50
Date: December 1 - 7
Diaper Size: 3 or Medium
Clothing Size: 6-9 months and 9 months
Milestones: Nothing new this week
Development: You seem to understand everything I say. It's like you just know what I'm talking about and hey, for all I know, you do. It's me not understanding you all the time that's the problem. Most of the time I get the jist of what you want but there are other times when something I do just makes you so mad even though I was sure 5 seconds before that it was what you wanted. Who knows? Maybe it was and you just change your mind that quick. In any case, it's amazing watching you with all your personality.
Words: Mum, da-da, pen (penny, our kitty), bye, hi, no, done, nigh nigh (night night), Paw-paw (grandpa), ya
Signs: done, more, eat (We don't work much with this but she knows the signs I've taught)
Concerns: none
Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 3- 4 hours, 3 meals and 2 snacks a day
Sleeping Habits: 2 naps still and waking once at night.
Health: Healthy
Special Moments- You gave everyone in the house a kiss this week (thursday, I believe) not just Tarah Jayne!
Other Observations/Activities: We haven't done much outside since it's been so cold here. It even snowed! I took a few pictures of you looking at the snow. I wanted to take some with you sitting in it but couldn't bring myself to do it. It was WAY to cold to even really think about doing that. I'll do a lot of things for a good picture, but I wouldn't go that far. We also went to get your pictures done at Portrait Innovations with the rest of your cousins. You were not a happy camper but even without smiling I think you look adorable.
Pictures From This Week:
First Time Obedience Tips for Parents
When you have first-time obedience, your child listens to you the first
time you give an instruction. This is not easy to do, but it can be
1 day ago
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