Age today: 49 Weeks
Age Being Posted: Weeks 48-49
Date: November 24 - 30
Diaper Size: 3
Clothing Size: 6-9 months and 9 months
Milestones: Nothing new this week
Development: There hasn't been much of getting ready to walk or stand really well. You are pretty comfortable just crawling now that you can go fast. I'm not too worried about it because I want you to wait until you get home and see your dadas anyway. He needs to be around when you take your first steps. You are learning so much though. New words and animals. And how to get what you want (being sweet baby does that pretty well) and you are such a little sneak. And you're just so stinking cute, it's impossible even when YOU'RE being impossible.
Words: Mum, da-da, pen (penny, our kitty), bye, hi, no, done, nigh nigh (night night), Paw-paw (grandpa)
Signs: done, more, eat (We don't work much with this but she knows the signs I've taught)
Concerns: none
Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 3- 4 hours, 3 meals and 2 snacks a day
Sleeping Habits: I cannot wait to get back home to get sleeping back on track. It's been so hectic and crazy and I just want to get back on a reliable schedule. She wakes up at night STILL and awake for the day at 5:30 which I just can't handle. Luckily, she still takes two naps. The gap now is about four hours between naps and bed.
Health: Healthy
Special Moments- First Thanksgiving!
Other Observations/Activities: The first part of the week we spent at Grammy Gail's but on Tuesday we went to Texas with Tarah Jayne again for Thanksgiving with the Texas family. It was a short trip but we had a good time. Thanksgiving was fun. You ate some of the turkey, mash potatoes and sweet potatoes. Napping that day wasn't the best so you weren't in the best mood but we still had a good time. We came back on Friday and then had a thanksgiving on Saturday with the Kansas family. They also threw you a small little party for you because you won't be here for your first birthday. It was so sweet! It's nice to know that even being in a different country we always have family here.
Pictures From This Week:
First Time Obedience Tips for Parents
When you have first-time obedience, your child listens to you the first
time you give an instruction. This is not easy to do, but it can be
1 day ago
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