Pedro and I were married three and a half years before Em came along.
Today makes four years.
I read a lot during pregnancy as I've mentioned before and kept coming across articles about how much the relationship with a spouse would change after the baby.
6 months into this and what have I discovered?
It only changes if you let it. Well, for the most part.
Some things change in general like not being able to catch a movie or grab diner without significant planning in advance. Or staying up late for a movie marathon or staying in bed all morning just cuddling.
But everything else?
Pretty much the same.
We fight like we used to just have different topics now. We still talk about everything, not just the baby. We find time for the two of us.
I am very glad we had 3 years just us and I'm equally happy we have Em now. I truly love my family.
31 Chapter Books for PreTeens Ages 8-12
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