Sunday, December 15, 2013

Week Fifty One

Age today: 51 Weeks

Age Being Posted: Weeks 50 - 51

Date: December 8 - 14

Diaper Size: 3 or Medium

Clothing Size: 6-9 months and 9 months

Photo of the Week: 

Milestones: Nothing new this week

Development:  You are growing... in brain power at least. Height is good as well but as far as weight goes. You are completely off your curve now.  You're hair and nails are growing like crazy but you are just not gaining weight.

Words: Mum, da-da, pen (penny, our kitty), bye, hi, no, done, nigh nigh (night night), Paw-paw (grandpa), ya

Concerns: Weight

Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 3- 4 hours, 3 meals and 2 snacks a day, giving formula as well

Sleeping Habits:  2 naps still and waking once at night.

Health: Healthy

Special Moments-  Getting back home to dad!

Other Observations/Activities:  This week was hectic. The first part of the week we were at grammy's and getting all packed and ready to go. I was freaking out about our bags being overweight, which of course they were but not as much as I thought. We got everything we needed though and even brought some of the things of Gerber that you like. We traveled on Wednesday at 3pm and that's where everything went downhill. We said goodbye to the girls and pa-pa and grammy drove us to the airport. For some reason they wouldn't check your bag. We were there for 2 hours in line until finally they checked on the internet and saw I was right that you did have a bag. They also gave grammy a gate pass and she helped me through security. The flight was late getting off and we only had a 40 minute layouver to begin with so by the time we got there they flight had left. They put us in a hotel  for the night because the next flight wasn't until the next day at 5pm. Lucky us. We spent the night at the hotel and checked out about 1 then had to wait in the airport until they began boarding. I ran out of food and had to scour the airport to find something you would eat. But  finally, we got on the flight, you were grumpy until they turned off the lights and could fall asleep, and I was terrified because the flight had quite a bit of turbulance. Ugh! We got there, went through customs, and then my bags didn't show up and you were so mad so I asked them if I could go out of the airport and hand you over to your dad then come back in a get my bags. And they let me. I came back in. Found 2 of my bags but was missing yours. Had to fill out a card for lost luggage. They said it would get to us on Saturday but I was weary. Anyway then I went to find you. You didn't cry until you saw me but then all you wanted was mom. All these people were speaking a language you just didn't understand and you had no idea who they were and you just wanted me.   In any case we got home and you went straight to sleep. The next day we spent unpacking then Saturday we got your bag AND your dad's work had a christmas get together so we had to go to that and then headed to Calacali for your birthday party the next day (which I'll go over next week). So now, we are all ridiculously tired but it's been a good homecoming : )

Pictures From This Week: 


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