Sunday, January 6, 2013

Week Two

Age Today: 2 weeks or 14 days

Age Being Posted: Week 1-2 or Days 7-13

Dates: Dec 30 - Jan 5

Diaper Size: Newborn

Clothing Size: Newborn, 0-3 but they are huge on you!

Photo of the Week: Sleeping Beauty


Size -
Weight: 6 lbs 3 oz                                     Length: 45cm                                        Head C.:34 cm

Milestones: Lift head briefly while on stomach

Development: You've regained your birth weight but I still think you are so tiny. Your little stomach doesn't seem to have any fat on it. Your little diapers seem huge on you and they are newborns. I know you are eating good you have enough wet/dirty diapers but I need you to gain weight faster so you aren't so small. And stop shrinking! When you were born you were 45.5cm long and now just 45. WEIRD! You also lift up your head while doing tummy time. Getting stronger everyday!

Concerns: You've started spitting up A LOT! Usually once a day (past 3 days) you throw up everything you've eaten... then eat again.

Eating Habits: Only breastmilk, every 1-2 hours during day, every 3-4 at night

Sleeping Habits: Still pretty much all day, in our room

Health: No more antibiotics for you! Healthy little girl now!

Special Moments-
Best: During your sun bath you just seemed so content in the heat... adorable
Worst: You screamed your head off during bath time... maybe the water was a little cold or you were just too hungry!

The Doctor Visit: We had your 2 week checkup just to make sure you were gaining weight and to get your first shot. First of all our appointment was at 5:30 but we didn't get in until 6:40! With a less than 2 week old you--AWFUL. Then we told the doctor about your routine, how you eat SO often and he told us to give you formula and your dad and grandma want to but I'm sticking to breastfeeding. If at your one month appointment you haven't gained weight, ok we'll try formula but if it's just a matter of eating too often I can handle it. He checked to make sure you had all your reflexes in tact but he wasn't gentle at all. He ran through the tests like you were just another baby. I didn't like that AT ALL. He weighed you and measured you and all was good then he gave you the shot : ( and you cried. And cried. And it broke my heart! Then he basically rushed us out of there because he had a MILLION other people waiting to get in. And now I want to switch doctors but your dad likes him. UGH.

This Weeks Observations/Activities: What an exciting week! We celebrated New Years.. what a great gift to have you home! And we had our 2 week checkup. You had your first vaccine. All in just one week!

Pictures from this Week:

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