Age Being Posted: Weeks 4-5 or Days 28-34
Date: January 20 - 26
Diaper Size: Newborn
Clothing Size: newborn 0-3
Photo of the Week: Lets Nap Together!
Milestones: Nothing new this week. See milestones page for list of milestones already passed.
Development: We haven't been to the doctor but I know you are growing. You feel bigger everyday. And while they say babies are not developmental ready to smile yet sometimes you look so happy that I can almost swear its a smile. And I still love your little sleep grins!
Concerns: Your "witching hour". Its not colic because its not for 3 hours a day but it is everyday. I have come to dread 5-8pm
Eating Habits: Only breast milk, every 2 hours and twice at night
Sleeping Habits: 9-1, 1-4, 4-6 and about 4-5 naps in the day but they seem to get shorter and shorter
Health: Healthy as far as I can tell!
Special Moments-
Best: Not sure this constitutes as best BUT I really enjoyed going shopping with you. We took you to the grocery store with us because your grandma wasn't home to watch you. You went in dad's carrier and slept peacefully the whole time.
Worst: We thought by doing that we got rid of your crying hour for one night but nope you just moved it later!
Other Observations/Notes We seem to have fallen into a routine. We hang out during the day. Dadas gets home and you hang out with him until your witching hour appears and then we take turns. I try to feed you. He walls around with you ans basically just wait it out til you actually eat for more than 20 seconds and fall asleep for a short nap then we do your bedtime routine and off to sleep you go.
We were supposed to go to the doctor this week but our doctor cancelled on us. He has two offices and the office we are closest to he is only available on Wednesdays. We made the appointment for 5pm but he (LIE-His secretary) called and said he had an emergency and would be unable to see us so we made the appointment for next Wednesday.
We need a new doctor!
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