Age Being Posted: Weeks 30-31
Date: July 21 - 27
Diaper Size: 2 or Medium
Clothing Size: 3, 3-6, 6, first time wearing 6-9 (possibly a really small 6-9?)
Development: My little girl is now so grown up. I don't understand how it happened! Months ago she could barely coordinate her waving arms and legs and now she can WAVE! She doesn't always but she does sometimes, looking at me as she does as if she isn't sure she's doing it right. She's crawling, like I mentioned before, but it comes easier to her now. She doesn't accidentally roll over to her back, she just scoots her little legs and gets that toy! She can pick up things between her thumb and forefinger. I give her tiny pieces of soft fruit or veggies and she picks them from my hand and sticks them in her mouth then waits for me to say "YAY" which is how I taught her to get it to her mouth in the first place : )
Concerns: Weight gain... if she hasn't gained weight when we go back to the doctor I don't know what I'll do!
Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 2 hours (per recommendation so she'll gain weight) , rice cereal, fruit, veggies, and/or meat 4 times a day
Foods Tried: Peaches
Sleeping Habits: Sleeping through the night. 2-3 naps. Because you were only sleeping in the car for your third nap and waiting for 2:30 - 7 when nap 2 ended and bedtime began I've changed up the schedule once more. I now feed you at 12 so you'll fall asleep and inevitably you wake up as soon as I try to make a smooth exit. This gives you a sort of blip nap and then you take your long one at 230 and wake up around 4 which is a much better time space until bedtime.
Health: Healthy
Special Moments-
Best:Playing peek a boo with mom! You even hide yourself and when I would say "Where's my Em?" you'd uncover yourself! I'm going to have to take a video goes no one believe me!
Worst: Mom wasn't watching too carefully and you almost rolled right off the make shift changing table! Oops!
Other Observations/Activities: You are still shy with strangers but I've noticed you aren't so much with the grandparents and aunts and uncles that you have here. Which is a relief. Before you would just stare at them and get this very serious look on your face. Now you chatter away and smile like you do at home!
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