Age Being Posted: Weeks 29-30
Date: July 14 - 20
Diaper Size: 2 or Medium
Clothing Size: 3, 3-6, 6
Development: Seperation anxiety has set in and on full force. Naps are hard and I now stand by your crib so you can see me as you fall asleep. Funny, girl! I'm not going to leave you! It's been quite irritating during the day as well. I used to be able to put you down and make your meal but now you scream if I even go to put you down. We've been using the wrap like nothing else!
Concerns: Weight gain still being as we haven't gone back to the doctor yet. And I guess my concern shouldn't be too bad or she would have scheduled another appointment sooner, instead we don't go back until August 20
Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 2-3 hours, rice cereal, fruit, veggies, and/or meat 4 times a day
Foods Tried: Pear, Turkey, Berros (no idea the translation), and oatmeal cereal
Sleeping Habits: Sleeping through the night and 2-3 naps a day. Your just the typical little 6 month old!
Health: Healthy
Special Moments-
Best: You, me and dadas all danced to the song "Lemon Tree" one day when you were particularly grouchy and you laughed so hard. It was adorable!
Worst: The screaming! Oh my. It's time consuming enough making homemade baby food. Add ear piercing screams while I'm trying to cook... too much!
Other Observations/Activities: We've started baby signing (thanks to this great website). We are using 5 signs to begin with. Mom. Dad. Cat. Eat/Food. and Milk. I'm having lots of fun... can't wait until you start signing back! Since we started a little late I think it won't be until you're 10 months or so though.
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