Age Being Posted: Weeks 27-28
Date: June 30 - July 6
Diaper Size: 2 or Medium
Clothing Size: 3, 3-6, 6
Weight: 12 lbs 12oz
Height: 64 cm
Head C.: 41.5 cm
Photo of the Week: 4th of July!

Milestones: Nothing new this week. Check milestones page to see what we've passed and whats coming up!
Development: You are too smart to crawl. No, honestly. I put you on a blanket (which is a necessity here because penny cat leaves hair ALL OVER) and put some toys in front of you just out of reach and what do you do? Pull on the blanket pulling the toys to you rather than you going to them. Oh, Em.
Concerns: Weight gain : (
Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 2-3 hours, rice cereal, fruit, veggies, and/or meat 4 times a day (see below)
Foods Tried: Gerber chicken and veggies, apple, banana, chicken
Sleeping Habits: Sleeping through the night has continued! 7-6/630 which is quite amazing. Naps are good for the most part or perhaps I just don't care quite as much since you sleep at night. But its usually about 3 hours a day. We try to keep to the 2-3-4 schedule but if you're tired and naps haven't been that long then we have a third nap.. unless its after 4!
Health: Healthy
Special Moments-
Best: I'm gonna be a bad mom for a second and say the freedom to have gone to the mall without you : )
Worst: a thought to be allergic reaction. You had a sort of rash after eating a Gerber chicken and we thought you were allergic but we gave it to you the next 3 days and no rash again. It was on your stomach by your diaper maybe heat rash?
This Weeks Doctor Appointment: Good things first. She's amazed you are sitting up and sleeping 11 hours at night. She actually asked me how did you do it?! Which I have no idea. But hurray for us. She says she is sure that you are going to be an early crawler. No teeth are coming in, according to her, which is a good thing... I think. They say its better the later they come in but who knows. You know how things are when "they say" is thrown around. She gave us some stimulation ideas for early crawling and said she usually gives it for 7-8 months but since you'd already passed everything a 6 month old should be doing that was all she could offer. Yay you! Now for the not so good. You are still not gaining weight like she (and I) thinks you should. She says if you don't gain at least 600 grams by august 20 (we are going to the beach at the beginning of the month and then she is going so that is the first we could get you in) that we would have to add some sort of supplement to your food. She said that formula wasn't necessary so yay!... Lets hope it's not. But she sent you to eat 5 times a day and continue to nurse as much as you are now so basically this week all we've done is eat eat eat. So you better gain weight child! We also had to stop your iron supplement because it was making you puke up all over... so maybe that has something to do with it as well? Who knows.
Other Observations/Activities: It is so much harder unpacking a house and sorting through everything with a baby than it is while pregnant. I may have been exhausted while pregnant but I did have all the time in the world. Now its not quite like that. You require demand attention all the time. Sometimes because you want it, others cause you need it, and more often because I need to. Just when you're playing so well by yourself and begin squealing about a toy I have to sit down and play with you. Bad I know buuuut oh well. So in short unpacking which took me two days flat last time is still underway now after a week. We also had our first 4th of July which passed by without too much fuss because we do not, in fact, live in the US and no one here cares about it. So it wasn't much of anything... maybe next year!
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