Sunday, July 14, 2013

Week Twenty Nine

Age today: 29 weeks

Age Being Posted: Weeks 28-29

Date: July 7 - July 13

Diaper Size: 2 or Medium

Clothing Size: 3, 3-6, 6

Photo of the Week:  All dressed up!

Milestones: Army Crawl

Development: So you are crawling. And it's adorable... most of the time. Except you know, when I want to change your diaper or clothes, or wipe of your droll or spit up (which doesn't happy nearly as often now! Woo-hoo! Its also super funny when you get so mad because instead of crawling you roll back over to your back. Little one, you crack me up!

Concerns: Weight gain : (

Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 2-3 hours, rice cereal, fruit, veggies, and/or meat 4 times a day

Foods Tried: Papaya, Spinach, and Prunes

Sleeping Habits: Still sleeping through the night... the bags under my eyes have disappeared!

Health: Healthy

Special Moments-
Best: Okay it may sound like worst but you were crying as I was trying to put you down for a nap (which is REALLY strange) and I came in to pat your stomach and you hit your little arms against your stomach cause you just wanted to get picked up and said a weird sound... it wasn't Mama or Ma or even mum but sort of like mam but a shorter sound. Anyway, you said it like eight times in a row. And I'm convinced it was your little way of saying MOM. PICK ME UP NOW.... which I ended up doing
Worst: I dropped my cell phone on you while you nursed. Sorry! Also sorry for laughing at how you started crying... uh?...uh?...WAAAAA.. So sad.. but honestly really funny as well

Other Observations/Activities:  We spent our days like usual. I love (pretty much) every moment I get to spend with you. You're so vocal and playful now and you're so interested in everything. We play peek a boo and sing songs like the itsy bitsy spider which you dad tries to sing and has NO idea how : ) but still cute. You crack up EVERY time. We went to your grandparents and we're planning a trip to the beach. I can't wait to take you! Sun and sand and ocean! You'll love it... but you'll love it more when we go next year.

Pictures From This Week: 


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