Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Fear. That's what I call it. Because the thought keeps me up at night. It keeps me from sleeping. It drives me into my little girls room at 4am to make sure I can either hear her breathing or feel her chest moving up and down.

I'm terrified of it.

I can't even imagine how people live through it.

But it can happen to anyone they say but for some reason it usually happens more in families who've already had it happen before.

It occurs most often between 2 and 4 months. 2 and 4 months. Huh. That sounds so familiar.

Oh. Right. Vaccines.

Isn't that weird?

I'm probably a nut, I'll be the first to admit that but to me it seems suspicious.

They say there is no correlation between the two. And maybe there isn't but it worries parents. So why not move the vaccination ages to 6 months when most of the danger if SIDS has passed? And when children are still young and the diseases they are vaccinated against will probably not affect them especially if they stay at home and don't attend daycare.

I can't be the only one to have thought of this. So why won't they do it?

If SIDS rates stay them same in that age group it wasn't the vaccine but what if they drop? It wouldn't be a coincidence and they couldn't pretend there wasn't a correlation. They'd have to admit it was a factor and those companies who make billions of dollars on vaccines would be in trouble. Parents who haven't already would lose faith in the whole system. And to them that's lots of money.

They won't risk that.

And so they won't change the regulations.

I'm not saying they are knowingly hurting children. No I'm saying that they wont risk finding out that they are. So no studies. No changes.

Obviously I can't say vaccines cause all SIDS. They don't. But I think we often forget SIDS is not a diagnosis. Its when a seemingly healthy infant dies. No warning whatsoever.

I've read horror stories of SIDS. Some right after vaccines some in unvaccinated children so obviously it isn't always vaccines but it could contribute. Everything has a price. Everything.

Vaccines are a necessary evil.

I'm not anti-vac. Honestly. But I do think the companies are not giving parents the whole truth. And that, to me, is wrong. Its a parents choice to vaccinate and there are risks and we should be informed of ALL of them. Then decide.

Do I want polio or the measles or whooping cough to become prevalent once again? No. I don't.

But sometimes I think it might be a risk I'd rather take.

Because as long as they keep lying to us about the real risks of vaccines then most parents will vaccinate and there is no reason for them or anyone for that matter to come up with a safer method.

And we need something safer because sids isn't the only thing I believe vaccines contribute to..

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week Nine (2 Months)

Age today: 9 weeks or 62 days

Age Being Posted: Weeks 8-9 or Days 56-61

Date: February 17 - 23

Diaper Size: Size 1 or small

Photo of the Week: Little Miss Blue Eyes!

2013-02-21 16.30.48

Milestones: Nothing new this week -- She had such a busy week last week guess there was nothing left! See milestones page for list of milestones already passed.

Development: I know they say its not possible but I swear you're eyes are getting bluer. They say eyes can change up to even 2 years though most are set by a year but they never get lighter only darker. I swear yours are lighter I don't care what "they" say. I look at old pictures of you (haha-8 weeks ago) and you've changed so much already! Wow. You're so much sturdier now. Chunky cheeks and thighs. You're adorable.

Concerns: Still puking and no milk. I'm getting severely irritated. I wouldn't mind not eating it if you were actually getting better!

Eating Habits: Only breast milk every 2-2h30 and once at night and early morning

Sleeping Habits: Still a good 5-6 hour stretch. Naps are hit and miss. Some are OK. Others not so much.

Health: Perfect!

Special Moments-
The bedtime feeding you eat and it's just me and you time and I love it
   Worst: Bath time is awful now and dadas and I have no idea why but you cry and cry and cry. You use to love your bath

Photos From This Week:


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Happy Parent(s), Happy Baby

You'll often here the phrase happy mom means happy baby. I even use this from time to time. Because, well, it's mostly true. Or maybe it's only true because the opposite is most definitely true. Unhappy mom means unhappy baby.

But through all of this aren't we are forgetting about one really important person in the baby's life?

The father.

What about him? If he's unhappy in the situation does it not matter? Moms happy. Baby's happy. And dad... well apparently no one cares about him.

I know the saying can't be happy couple happy baby because it does leave out the single parents out there. Maybe something like happy parent(s) happy baby.

Because it takes 2 to make a baby and all should have a say with what goes on in the babies life.

Two parents living together or apart, whether husband/wife or boyfriend/girlfriend or just friends, should have some say with what goes on in the baby's life and both should come to agree on what this is. And even if the two aren't together and especially if they are they should treat each other with respect. No child should have to listen to their parents scream at each other. That doesn't make a happy baby. It makes an insecure baby.

I won't say I don't fight with my husband in front of Em, I do. But our fights never even feel real. In the middle of yelling at him for not picking up his socks he makes me laugh and we kiss and I thrust the socks at his chest and he puts them in the laundry basket.

If that isn't exactly how it goes it is something very similar.

And I really like this. We fight in front of Em, yes. I didn't want to, at first, but now I think it's a good idea if it isn't too big. She will learn that just because you fight doesn't mean you hate each other. And I think that's a great lesson to learn.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Week Eight

Age today: 8 weeks or 56 days

Age Being Posted: Weeks 7-8 or Days 49-55

Date: February 10 - 16

Diaper Size: Size 1 or small

Clothing Size: 0-3, 3

Photo of the Week: With Grandma!


Milestones: Vocalize in other ways than crying,  follow an object above face moved 180 degrees, bear some weight on legs when brought to a standing, keep head level with body when pulled to a sitting

Development: You don't seem to be having your Witching hour anymore. You stay awake still from about 5-9 with a 15 min cat nap sometimes but you're not crying. I want to move your bedtime but dadas doesn't think so yet. Also you have begun to finally coo! It's such a welcome sound. I was starting to worry but you have found your voice now and love to use it! And wow what a week you had! You seem to be doing everything now. You can watch a toy from one side to the other. You love to pull up to standing and have quite the little muscles in your legs. When I sit you up now your head stays up, doesn't fall back like it did last week. I can't believe you can do so much already!

Concerns: Although you aren't crying anymore you're still throwing up lots of your food 1-2 a day and I'm not eating dairy. Maybe its still in my system though.

Eating Habits: Just breast milk Every 2-2h30 and once at night and early morning

Sleeping Habits: Usually a good 5-6 hour stretch then another 3. Naps... well let's not even talk about those

Health: Great... I think I'm going to delete these section! You're just so healthy. Actually on second thought ill leave it up. Something to be thankful for!

Special Moments-
When I go into your room in the morning you are so ridiculously excited and even without sleep it melts my heart
Worst:Honestly can't think of anything.

This Weeks Activities/Observations: Well you had your very first Valentines day! And this was the first year in a long time I wasn't your dadas Valentine! He made you his little valentine. What jealousy!

Photos From This Week:


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

The thing I think about the most on Valentines Day is from a movie… which I can’t seem to recall the name of… but it doesn’t matter. It isn’t hearts or Love or spending time with my husband (am I awful or what?) but the line “Valentines Day is a holiday invented by greeting card companies to make people feel like crap”.

Now while I have a husband and we’ve been together for the past 6 Valentine’s days I do remember those years I didn’t have someone. Well, I was in high school but still I think it does make people feel like crap. Especially if all your friends/siblings/parents have someone to spend it with and you don’t. You can stay home every night of the week and be completely fine with it but then it’s Valentines and you feel pretty lonely.

What does this have to do with Em?

Nothing really except I hope she doesn’t have to feel like that.

There is something about being a mom, or parent really, that makes you want to prevent your child from feeling any pain whatsoever. But you can’t and even if you could, should you?

Pain is important. It stops us from burning off our hand when we pull something out of the stove. It stops us from trying to walk on a broken leg. It keeps us from returning to the guy who made us feel worthless.

Without pain the world would be a disaster.

So a little pain for our children is good. It teaches them (and us) about what to do. And plus if you never have bad Valentines days, you’ll never appreciate the really good ones.


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Week Seven

Age today: 7 weeks or 49 days

Age Being Posted: Weeks 6-7 or Days 42-48

Date: February 3 - 9

Diaper Size: Newborn - size 1 or small

Clothing Size: newborn, 0-3,first time wearing 3 months

Photo of the Week: Dad, Grandpa, Great-Grandpa and you!


Milestones: Smile in response to smile, hold head steady when upright

Development: Finally its not just in my mind you're growing! Although you're still wearing some newborn most you've outgrown! You're also wearing 3 months now. Everyone looks at you and just loves those chubby cheeks! You also smiled for the first time this week! I was changing your diaper and was singing a little ditty I made up and when I finished I smiled at you and you smiled right back! Also now when I carry you on my shoulder you lift up your head and it doesn't fall either way! It's steady now

Concerns: That milk is in EVERYTHING. I'm trying really hard not to eat any of it BUT its hard because then I just don't eat anything and to make milk I need to eat but I don't want you to feel bad. Ugh.

Eating Habits: Only breast milk every 2-2h30, still once at night but waking up around 5 to eat again

Sleeping Habits: Same as always. Great nights. Bad naps!

Health: You're the shining example of great health

Special Moments-
Taking you on your very first outing
   Worst: One day was full of 10-15 min naps

This Weeks Observations/Activities: This week (yesterday) we took you to Calacali to meet the family on your dads moms (is that how you would say that?) side. You weren't so keen on it. From the moment we arrived until about the time we left all you did was sleep. There were so many people! You were like this is too much for me I'm gonna ignore it. But everyone thought you were adorable!

Photos From This Week:


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Outtings With A Baby

I thought I was an awful packer and then I met my little girl. And things got so much worse..

WOW. Who would have thought a day trip would require so many things! This weekend we are going to Calacali because a cousin of Pedro’s is going to be here from China and the whole family is getting together so we are going to take Em who will be just about 7 weeks old.

And I’ve already started planning and packing. Good thing she doesn’t need formula because that would be overkill.

Diapers and wipes and clothes and blankets and burp rags.

I don’t even want to think about when we are going to stay the night somewhere. She’ll need a place to sleep, stroller and baby carrier, toys etc

Before I returned to Ecuador after visiting my parents I remember my sister telling me “Gone are the days you can just leave the house”. While that is not entirely true because when we decide we want to go to the store we just go. No extra clothes or diapers and she sits comfortably in her wrap,  but there is A LOT of truth to it as well.

And I do miss just telling Pedro, let’s go do this and going. No extra planning of how Em will handle it or if Em can handle it at all. We just went without thinking.

And it sucks and honestly I think it is going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Week Six

Age today: 6 weeks or 42 days

Age Being Posted: Weeks 5-6 or Days 35-41

Date: January 27 - February 2

Diaper Size: Newborn...still!

Clothing Size: newborn, 0-3

Photo of the Week: New Car Seat


Weight: 7 lbs 12 oz
Height: 53 cm
Head C: 35 in

Milestones: Lift head 90 degrees while on stomach

Development: Wow. You're growing so much. I don't understand how you are still in newborn things! You can also lift your little head so much more like you just wants to see the world around you.

Concerns: You doesn't seem to be making any real cooing sounds. Still just crying.

Eating Habits: Only breast milk every 2 - 2h15 hours, once at "night" but it's 9-2, 2-5, 5-7

Sleeping Habits: Night sleep is wonderful! Naps are kinda iffy. You hate to nap in your crib and only likes to be on my shoulder during the day

Health: Perrrrfect

Special Moments-
We got you a swing! and you loooooove it... still not great naps but better : )
Worst: Can't think of anything bad!

Other Observations/Notes: This week our doctor once again cancelled on us so (FINALLY) Pedro agreed we needed to look for another doctor. Pedro's mom found us one and we went to the appointment on Thursday.

The Doctor Visit: God... where to start?! She asked all about our family history, my pregnancy, your birth, the time you spent in the hospital. Then she moved on to you routines how much you ate, slept, pooped, peed. Unlike the other doctor she said it was fine! We showed her the scans of your hips which had been a little abnormal. She wasn't too conceded though. She then examined you. She looked at everything and I loved how gentle and sweet she was to you. She weighed and measured you. Then she talked to us about you. This is what she said...

Your growing is great but you have a little bit of reflux so she prohibited milk and eggs for me. Although your hips are a little out of place she doesn't see reason to put on a harness because most likely they will fix themselves and at your 5 month checkup we need to do another exam. We are still supposed to give you vitamin d and obviously nothing but breast milk.

We were in there for 1h30 unlike other doc! And I really like her. I'm so glad we found her

Photos From This Week: