Age today: 36 weeks
Age Being Posted: Weeks 35-36
Date: August 25-31
Diaper Size: 2 or Medium
Clothing Size: 3-6, 6, 6-9
Size: Weight- 13lbs10lbs
Height- 65 cm
Head C.: 42cm
Milestones: Clap hands
Development: You've always been your own little person, I know that, but now you are letting your wants known, quite loudly. There is no more picking you up and putting you in front of something new. You can remember things that you've left behind and still want. We get into little fights about it. You eat great most of the time. You aren't really distracted when nursing anymore but you get really distracted during meals. You grab the spoon and put it in your mouth. I can't just take the spoon away either to put more food on it. You have to give it back. Your pincher grasp is great is the getting the food to the mouth that needs work. More often than not you play with it instead of eating it. EVERYTHING else you pick up like that goes to your mouth though. Go figure. You're clapping now! I don't even have to clap for you to do it. I say "Em, clap." and you do and it's so freaking adorable!
Concerns: None
Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 3 hours, rice cereal, fruit, veggies, and/or meat 4-5 times a day
Foods Tried: Crackers
Sleeping Habits: 2 Naps at 8:40am and 1pm, asleep for the night at 7pm with a quick waking at 11 for a dream feed sometimes! Sometimes mom goes to sleep to early for that but you'll still sleep until at least 530 it seems.
Health: Healthy
Special Moments-
Best: Shopping! We went to pelileo and bought clothes and boots and everything. We all had a great time
Worst: Nothing I can think of. Some bad times, yes, but eh, nothing comes to mind as really bad
Doctor's Appointment: The doctor says she's gaining weight fine now but I'm still a little worried only because she's still not going up in percentiles. But she says its fine... I mean she's the doctor right? And I'm not worried about Em because she obviously is just fine but I don't know. I want her to gain more weight. She's out of three month clothes but still in 6 months and she's almost 9 months. Ugh. Anyway other than that everything was great. She can do everything she asked about and more. So obviously she's passing milestones like nothing.
Other Observations/Activities: like I said above we went to pelileo. We went with your grandparents and you got a pair of jeans and a jacket and some cute little gloves! The place is about three hours from here because of traffic and what not. Nursing wasn't the problem it was the other food. We brought everything except spoons! Dad had to go find some in a store. Oops!
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