Age today: 37 weeks
Age Being Posted: Weeks 36-37
Date: September 1 - 7
Diaper Size: 2 or Medium
Clothing Size: 3-6, 6, 6-9
Milestones: No new milestones this week. Check out milestones for already passed.
Development: You are obsessed with clapping and waving and pointing and it's all so cute! It amazes me how when you were first born just a little over 8 months ago you didn't even have control over your hands and feet and now your clapping! I think it's crazy. I bet every parent who watches a little one grow up does though. Your hair is finally all grown in, you no longer have a bald spot though it's still pretty thin in places. You've also gotten rid of the craddle cap. Finally! You sit, you crawl, you pull yourself up. Pretty soon your going to be walking around. I can't believe it!
Concerns: None
Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 3 hours, rice cereal, fruit, veggies, and/or meat 4-5 times a day
Foods Tried: Eggs, bread
Sleeping Habits:
2 Naps at 8:40am and 1pm, asleep for the night at 7pm with a quick
waking at 11 for a dream feed sometimes! Sometimes mom goes to sleep to
early for that but you'll still sleep until at least 530 it seems.
Health: Healthy
Special Moments-
Best: You sent kisses to grandpa!
Worst:Nothing really!
Other Observations/Activities: We stayed in the house most of the week because dadas had a test today so he studied all week. We went to see your grandparents, of course, but other than that just around the house. We decided it would be better to buy our fruits/veggies for your food ever 3 days or so because we ended up throwing out alot of stuff so we found a nice little fruit store close by that we can go to if we need anything. It's much better that way.
Pictures From This Week:
How To Easily Get Baby to Sleep in the Crib
Having trouble getting baby to sleep in her crib? Use these tips to get
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