Sunday, September 22, 2013

Week Thirty Nine

Age today: 39 weeks

Age Being Posted: Weeks 38-39

Date: September 15 - 21

Diaper Size: 2 or Medium

Clothing Size: 3-6, 6, 6-9

Photo of the Week: 

Milestones: Cruising! You can now not only pull yourself up onto something but also you can "walk" around the furniture while holding on! It is just too much... I can't believe it

Development: Like I mentioned above, you are now cruising (walking while holding onto furniture) but that's not the only new things. When you get hurt or don't like something you say "ooooo" and scrunch up your  mouth. I'll have to post a short video of it. When you get mad you scrunch up your face and breathe in really fast like a little pig. When your happy you clap and giggle. When you want to go somewhere or show me something, you point at it. When I'm wrong you get mad and do face mentioned above, and when I'm right your happy. I guess what I'm trying to say is your communicating really well. I can read you easily now. It's wonderful, for both of us.

Concerns: weight - we'll see next week how it's going

Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 3 hours, rice cereal, fruit, veggies, and/or meat 4-5 times a day. Milk supply is back up and so no longer with formula - just a mixer for cereal

Foods Tried: nothing new this week

Sleeping Habits: 2 Naps at 8:40am and 1pm, asleep for the night at 7pm

Health: Healthy once again!

Special Moments-
Best: Another trip to calacali! We had a blast

Other Observations/Activities: We went to Calacali and stayed there Saturday night. You saw your family here and passed most of the time outside which you LOVE. You saw horses and cows and puppies. You showed everyone how great of a little crawler you are. You may be on the smaller side, but everyone comments about how fast you seem to do things. You are all better from being sick but for a couple days at the beginning of the week you had a rash and we did oatmeal baths for a few days. Definitely not a bath I felt clean after giving : )

Pictures From This Week: 


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