Age Being Posted: Weeks 13-14 or Days 91-97
Date: March 24 - 30
Diaper Size: small or size 1
Clothing Size: 0-3. 3
Weight: 11 lbs Height: 60cm Head C. 38 cm
Photo of the Week: Horses!
Milestones: Nothing new this week. See milestones page for milestones already passed
Development: Growing like a weed and you hardly ever cry anymore. You have other sounds that let me know that you are getting annoyed. Sometimes I get it wrong and you let me know. You do however, cry when we aren't home WAY more than when we are. I think you just like your familiar surroundings.
Concerns: You seem to not smile when we are away from home or there are a lot of people. I don't know if that's normal.
Eating Habits: Only breast milk, every 3 hours
Sleeping Habits: AMAZING night sleep! Between 7.5 - 8 hour stretch and then another 2-3 hours. LOVE IT. We moved your bedtime up a little so it's around 7 now. GREAT DECISION!
Health: NONE!
Special Moments-
Best: When the doctor said you didn't have reflux anymore and I have been eating milk!
Worst: Vaccines
The Doctor Visit: Here we have a checkup every month and get vaccines from 2-7 months because they split up the PCV from the others. I have no problem with this because 1. I like to see how much you weigh each month 2. I think splitting up vaccines is better. So we went. The doctor asked about everything and was surprised at how much you slept at night. She examined you and was so surprised at how well you lifted your head an chest and when we told her you were already rolling over from tummy to back. She then checked and said your reflux was gone! I was so relieved to hear that because I had been eating milk! I knew it was an oversupply issue, not a milk intolerance!
This Weeks Observations/Activities: Well we went to the doctor and calacali. You got ontop of a horse with dadas -- just for a picture! You slept from 9-4:30am on saturday night. I woke up and had to check on you a few times because I was worried but you were just fine. Wow. It really was a great night for me.
Photos From This Week: