Sunday, November 3, 2013

Week Fourty Five

Age today: 45 Weeks

Age Being Posted: Weeks 44-45

Date: October 27- November 2

Diaper Size: 2 or Medium, 3 at night

Clothing Size: last time wearing 3-6 months, 6 months, 6-9 months and 9 months

Measurements: Weight: 14 lbs 12 oz
                            Height: 66.5 cm

Photo of the Week: Pumpkin Carving

Milestones: Stood alone for a few seconds

Development: You understand so much now. I talk and I know you get what I'm saying. I'm no longer just talking and talking and not getting through. I see your little eyes understanding. This is obviously not a thing that happened over night. I guess I've really been noticing it these last few weeks but now it just seems so apparent. I say sweet baby and you lay your head on my shoulder. I say kiss and you put your open mouth on my bunched up lips. Its adorable. And I feel so much love that I can't believe it.

Concerns: NONE!

Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 3- 4 hours, 3 meals and 2 snacks a day

Sleeping Habits:Still waking up once at night and then again at 6 am but naps are better.

Health: Healthy -- no more allergies it seems

Special Moments-
Best: Carving pumpkins

Worst: Nothing... I'm not even sure I should have this anymore. Some times bad things happen, other times they don't. Maybe I'll delete it unless something happens.

Other Observations/Activities:  This week was pretty eventful. We are back in Kansas and with the girls again. I babysat the girls on Sunday and part of Tuesday so it was just me and the three of you. On Sunday we took a walk and went to the park. Monday we walked the girls to school with Grammy. On the way back you almost fell asleep in the stroller. You were adorable! I wish I would have caught it with the camera. Tuesday morning like  I said I had the girls but when grammy came home and took Anna to school we took some fall pictures then carved a pumpkin. You had a ball. I had to be careful with the seeds but you loved taking off the top and putting it back in! We went shopping and took walks. We got you a Halloween outfit that said "litle terror!" super cute! Thursday we went trick or treating. You were adorable as a little pumpkin. So adorable! Friday we went to try to get your SS card but I took my passport instead of yours! So unfortunately I will have to go back and get it. Ugh! For the first time I did your hair, which was super cute!

Pictures From This Week: 


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