Being a parent you can't escape it. Advice is coming at you ALL the time from EVERYONE.
Your mom, dad, sister, brother, in laws, people at the grocery store, people who have kids, people who don't. Everyone else knows better than you.
I know best.
That sounds ridiculous for a first time mom to say but I honestly believe it. I don't know best for my nieces or nephews but I do know best for my daughter.
I spend 24/7 with her. I see her all day long and when she complains at night I'm the one to go make it better.
I hate when someone touches her hands and practically screams at me she's freezing.
1. A lot of times her hands are cold but she's bundled up and practically sweating. 2. What do they expect me to do? She eats her fingers 99% of the time so gloves are out. My holding onto her hands works all of 10 seconds. I know this because I know her.
I hate when I take her outside and am yelled at when I bring her in to wash her hands! Seriously?
Even worse is when I am away from her for all of 2 minutes and I take her then... "shouldn't you wash your hands?
Toy on the floor. WASH IT!
No wonder we have these superbugs.
Or things like shave her head so her hair is better. Or give her formula she'll sleep better. Or keep her awake until later she'll sleep through the night.
I used to be phased by things like that now I just smile politely and ignore them.
When the advice is good. I listen. When I know its wrong I ignore it. When its bad I say something.
And now the whirlwind of advice I get isn't quite as hard to handle.
St. Patrick’s Day Books for Kids
Picture Books and Chapter Books to Celebrate the Luck of the Irish with
your kiddos! This is a simple way to celebrate the holiday this year. St.
1 day ago
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