Sunday, May 12, 2013

Week Twenty

Happy Mothers Day everyone! Especially to all the first timers out there : )

On with this weeks update...

Age today: 20 weeks or 140 days or 4 months,

Age Being Posted: Weeks 19- 20 or Days 133-139

Date: May 5 - 11

Diaper Size: 2 or Medium

Clothing: 3, 3-6

Weight: 11 lbs 13 oz
Height: 63cm
Head. C. :40 cm

Photo of the Week: Snuggle up! It's cold!

2013-05-08 17.17.48

Milestones: playing with toes

Development: Well you're growing and meeting milestones. You're talking and screaming and hardly ever crying. You're interested in everything and want to eat it all. You love being outside and watching Penny who seems to be afraid of you now. But wow, you're growing up! You also have found your feet! You can lay all day with your little feet in the air just chewing on your toes!

Concerns: I have absolutely no concerns about your development and she prescribed a lotion for your cheeks (which is caused by all that drooling you do!) But we got your vaccines and even though your feeling good now I'm always concerned about your reactions. I know its just a fever but I hate it. Also.. you only gained 13 ounces this past month and a half. From our last visit that is around 2 oz a week. You're healthy meeting milestones and you look great so I shouldn't worry but I do.

Eating Habits: Only breast milk, every 3 hours and once at night

Sleeping Habits: day naps are getting better.. I have stopped patting and just stand by your crib now. At night you usually wake once

Health: No concerns here!

Special Moments-
Best: I swear you said Mom!
Worst: Your vaccines!

The Doctor Visit: We waited a long time to go to this visit. Vaccines are the worst so we put it off a little. The doctor says your perrrrfect. She asked about your routine and said it was fine but you should have one longer nap of 2 hours. Ha! I wish! Also she examined you. She was so surprised when you just reached out and grabbed your toes. We told her you could drink from a sippy cup and roll over both ways. She didn't believe it until you did it right there in her office.

We asked a few questions and then she weighed and measured you which did worry me a bit. Then it was time for vaccines. It was an awful cry for about a minute then you were fine.

This Weeks Observations/Activities: This week was eventful! Sunday was your uncles birthday but we went and spent the day in Calacali. You rode dads horse!.. and I was terrified!

Then we went to your grandparents to tell your uncle happy birthday. On Thursday we went to pick up your passport and report of birth at the embassy! Officially an American now! Then that night we had vaccines : (

Like always you got a fever and Friday you spent most of the day sleeping fussing and eating. By Saturday the fever was gone-big improvement over last time!

Pictures From The Week:



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