Okay, here is another conspiracy theory of mine.
I bet you can all guess what it is... Austism spectrum disorders and... what? Vaccines.
Yes I know Wakefield study was debunked. Sure. But if they never complete another study then how can they know for sure that he wasn't onto something?
And like I've said before they will never do a study on it because they don't want to know.
I don't believe it causes all asd but I think it has a huge impact on regressive autism.
Once again they say the vaccine (specifically the mmr [measles mumps and rubella]) just coincides with the time regression normally happens.
Well shit isn't that a coincidence once again.
My nieces pediatrician once told us she felt compelled to tell us she didn't give her own children the mmr.
That's what really convinced me something was very wrong with that particular vaccine.
So even though I vaccinate I will not have that one done until at least 3. Possibly 5.
Because none of those diseases are likely especially not when she isn't in daycare or preschool. So that particular vaccine will wait.
I mean 68 vaccines in 12 years. Let's not be ridiculous. Its way too much.
So maybe it doesn't cause autism but it has an effect on kids. That's obvious. And until they do a study on nonvaccinated children I'm going to think it has played a part.
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