Sunday, November 24, 2013

Week Forty Eight (11 Months)

Age today: 48 Weeks

Age Being Posted: Weeks 47-48

Date: November 17 - 23

Diaper Size: 3

Clothing Size: 6-9 months and 9 months

Photo of the Week: 

Milestones: Nothing new this week

Development:   You're growing up so fast. You're small, obviously, but you understand SO much. Sometimes I'll just be talking to you, not really expecting you to understand what I'm saying but then I look at you and ask a question and it seems like your answering me. I'll say something like "Do you want the Puffs?" and you'll say "no, no no" shaking your head and then I say, "Oh I know, you want the yogurt bites, don't you?" and you'll sort of jump in your chair like "DUH, mom, that's what I want!" I don't even show them to you, so I know it's not that you know their look. And grammy and you will be chatting and she'll say "That's my mom. Get away" and you'll slap her hand and hold onto me tighter. It's just. You are so grown up!

Words: Mum, da-da, pen (penny, our kitty), bye, hi, no, done, nigh nigh (night night), Paw-paw (grandpa)

Signs: done, more, eat (We don't work much with this but she knows the signs I've taught)

Concerns: none

Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 3- 4 hours, 3 meals and 2 snacks a day

Sleeping Habits: Surprise, surprise, sleeping is still off. Not sure even how to get it back on track. We just move around so much that it's hard to keep everything in line. I figure when we go back home you'll start to get the hang of everything. You're waking up once or twice and usually up between 5-6:30. I always hope for 6:30 but more often than not I'm not getting that! Naps are usually fine. 2 naps about 2-3 hours between the two of them.

Health: Healthy

Special Moments- Giving Kisses without being asked : )

Other Observations/Activities:  This week we spent the whole week at Grammy's. There were a few days we were able to go outside but most of them were too cold. We finally got out the tunnel that Grammy got you and you crawled through it like it was nothing. It was super cute. You thought it was the funnest thing in the world. You especially thought it was fun when mom ran from one side to the other. You'd turn around in there and try to catch me. This week you gave pa-pa Jim a kiss (as seen in the picture below) which sure made his day. You had a lot of fun with him that day. Playing with the remote and everything. It was a blast just watching you.

Pictures From This Week: 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Week Fourty Seven

Age today: 46 Weeks

Age Being Posted: Weeks 46-47

Date: November 10 - 16

Diaper Size: 2 or Medium, 3 at night

Clothing Size: 6-9 months and 9 months

Photo of the Week: 

Milestones: Nothing new this week

Development:  You have so many different facial expressions. You seem like a real grown up. This week you threw a little fit and knocked a cup out of my hand. You tell me no. And you say so many words, actually I think I'm going to start a section on just that. Your hair is long, I've been putting it into little hairdos now that I can. It's so much fun! There isn't much to do with it yet but I do want to get you used to it so that later you won't be completely surprised when you have to sit down in the morning to get your hair done.

Words: Mum, da-da, pen (penny, our kitty), bye, hi, no, done

Signs: done, more

Concerns: none

Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 3- 4 hours, 3 meals and 2 snacks a day

Sleeping Habits:  The beginning of the week was awful. You woke up between 3-6 times at night. Finally one day I decided just to not feed you again and the next night was MUCH better. And the rest of the week you slept really well... You even slept the whole night once.

Health: Healthy

Special Moments- The first time swinging

Other Observations/Activities:  It was cold a few days but then it got really nice outside. It was in the sixties again so we spent the day outside. I put you in a baby swing and you had a blast. We took a walk with the girls and sat outside on the little trampoline and in the grass. I was very excited to be able to do that because then the cold front came in and now it's freezing!

Pictures From This Week: 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Week Fourty Six

Age today: 46 Weeks

Age Being Posted: Weeks 45 - 46

Date: November 3 - 9

Diaper Size: 2 or Medium, 3 at night

Clothing Size: 6-9 months and 9 months

Photo of the Week: 

Milestones: Nothing new this week

Development:  You're hair is getting a lot longer. It looks like a little style. It's long in the front and short in the back. Super cute. You understand everything and you try to repeat it too. I say Sit down and you look at me and then say something like "mit ouwn" and it so cute. You play games and you try so hard to make everyone laugh. You think you are just hilarious! You try to be dramatic and throw yourself backwards like "oh my it's just so much work being so cute!" and then you fake laugh. And everyone around you laughs hysterically. Even me. And I've seen it a million times now.

Concerns: none

Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 3- 4 hours, 3 meals and 2 snacks a day

Sleeping Habits:  Same as it has been. You wake up once at night. Naps are either long in the morning or in the afternoon and then the other is 45 minutes.

Health: Healthy

Special Moments- Aunt alice was playing with you and you wanted to come back to me so you lay your head on my shoulder from her arms and patted my back. I couldn't help it. I had to take you. Sweet girl!

Other Observations/Activities:  We spent the week at Aunt Alices again. We played with the dog and hung out around the house playing peek a boo and chased you around. You climbed up stairs and tried playing with the dog. It was fun but we were in side a lot more than usual because its gotten so cold. And while I like the winter I don't like to be outside in the winter so we spent most of the week indoors.

Pictures From This Week: 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Week Fourty Five

Age today: 45 Weeks

Age Being Posted: Weeks 44-45

Date: October 27- November 2

Diaper Size: 2 or Medium, 3 at night

Clothing Size: last time wearing 3-6 months, 6 months, 6-9 months and 9 months

Measurements: Weight: 14 lbs 12 oz
                            Height: 66.5 cm

Photo of the Week: Pumpkin Carving

Milestones: Stood alone for a few seconds

Development: You understand so much now. I talk and I know you get what I'm saying. I'm no longer just talking and talking and not getting through. I see your little eyes understanding. This is obviously not a thing that happened over night. I guess I've really been noticing it these last few weeks but now it just seems so apparent. I say sweet baby and you lay your head on my shoulder. I say kiss and you put your open mouth on my bunched up lips. Its adorable. And I feel so much love that I can't believe it.

Concerns: NONE!

Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 3- 4 hours, 3 meals and 2 snacks a day

Sleeping Habits:Still waking up once at night and then again at 6 am but naps are better.

Health: Healthy -- no more allergies it seems

Special Moments-
Best: Carving pumpkins

Worst: Nothing... I'm not even sure I should have this anymore. Some times bad things happen, other times they don't. Maybe I'll delete it unless something happens.

Other Observations/Activities:  This week was pretty eventful. We are back in Kansas and with the girls again. I babysat the girls on Sunday and part of Tuesday so it was just me and the three of you. On Sunday we took a walk and went to the park. Monday we walked the girls to school with Grammy. On the way back you almost fell asleep in the stroller. You were adorable! I wish I would have caught it with the camera. Tuesday morning like  I said I had the girls but when grammy came home and took Anna to school we took some fall pictures then carved a pumpkin. You had a ball. I had to be careful with the seeds but you loved taking off the top and putting it back in! We went shopping and took walks. We got you a Halloween outfit that said "litle terror!" super cute! Thursday we went trick or treating. You were adorable as a little pumpkin. So adorable! Friday we went to try to get your SS card but I took my passport instead of yours! So unfortunately I will have to go back and get it. Ugh! For the first time I did your hair, which was super cute!

Pictures From This Week: