Age today: 44 Weeks
Age Being Posted: Weeks 43-44
Date: September 20 - 26
Diaper Size: 2 or Medium
Clothing Size: 3-6, 6, 6-9, first time wearing 9 months!
Milestones: Says puppy and hi, plays patty cake,
Development:You continue to grow more and more everyday. Your hair is so long and your expressions seem so grown up now. You're getting more and more used to your sippy cup. You spend a lot of your time crawling and pulling yourself up on everything you can. Grandma swears you stood on your own for a second but I'm not counting it as a milestone until I see it for myself.
Concerns: I'll have to see if I am concerned with it when you get weighted
Eating Habits: Breastmilk
every 3- 4 hours, 3 meals and 2 snacks a day
Sleeping Habits: This wasn't a very good week for us! You woke up a lot at grandmas. It went something like 7-1am and stayed awake for an hour, then awake again for good at 5am which is WAY to early for me. Finally by Thursday night you just woke up at 5 and went back to sleep until 630. I was so happy! Then Friday night was exactly the same. UGH
Health: Healthy but still stuffy... I wonder if you're allergic to something in the air.
Special Moments-
Best: Meeting great grandparents!
Worst: Sleeping habits
Other Observations/Activities:
This week we went to Texas to meet your great grandparents on my dads side for the first time. We came up on Sunday and then on Monday grandma took us shopping for a few things. On Tuesday we went to Kohls to find a couple of outfits for you (and me!) and we found quite a few for really cheap. You're great grandma is the absolute best at finding deals. And on Wednesday we went to your Grandpa's house and talked with him. You even took a nap there and let him hold you! Which to me was very quick for you, you're kind of shy like your mama. Thursday we just hung around the house and Friday we went back to your grandpas. Then Saturday we headed back to Kansas. But the three of us all had a really great time there. You loved the dog and because their house is bigger you had much more space to crawl around. And to get into trouble!
Pictures From This Week:
First Time Obedience Tips for Parents
When you have first-time obedience, your child listens to you the first
time you give an instruction. This is not easy to do, but it can be
1 day ago