Sunday, October 27, 2013

Week Fourty Four (10 Months)

Age today: 44 Weeks

Age Being Posted: Weeks 43-44

Date: September 20 - 26

Diaper Size: 2 or Medium

Clothing Size: 3-6, 6, 6-9, first time wearing 9 months!

Photo of the Week: With the Family!

Milestones: Says puppy and hi, plays patty cake,

Development:You continue to grow more and more everyday. Your hair is so long and your expressions seem so grown up now. You're getting more and more used to your sippy cup. You spend a lot of your time crawling and pulling yourself up on everything you can. Grandma swears you stood on your own for a second but I'm not counting it as a milestone until I see it for myself.

Concerns: I'll have to see if I am concerned with it when you get weighted

Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 3- 4 hours, 3 meals and 2 snacks a day

Sleeping Habits: This wasn't a very good week for us! You woke up a lot at grandmas. It went something like 7-1am and stayed awake for an hour, then awake again for good at 5am which is WAY to early for me. Finally by Thursday night you just woke up at 5 and went back to sleep until 630. I was so happy! Then Friday night was exactly the same. UGH

Health: Healthy but still stuffy... I wonder if you're allergic to something in the air.

Special Moments-
Best: Meeting great grandparents!

Worst: Sleeping habits

Other Observations/Activities: 
This week we went to Texas to meet your great grandparents on my dads side for the first time. We came up on Sunday and then on Monday grandma took us shopping for a few things. On Tuesday we went to Kohls to find a couple of outfits for you (and me!) and we found quite a few for really cheap. You're great grandma is the absolute best at finding deals. And on Wednesday we went to your Grandpa's house and talked with him. You even took a nap there and let him hold you! Which to me was very quick for you, you're kind of shy like your mama. Thursday we just hung around the house and Friday we went back to your grandpas. Then Saturday we headed back to Kansas. But the three of us all had a really great time there. You loved the dog and because their house is bigger you had much more space to crawl around. And to get into trouble!

Pictures From This Week: 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Week Fourty Three

Age today: 43 weeks

Age Being Posted: Weeks 42-43

Date: September 13 - 19

Diaper Size: 2 or Medium

Clothing Size: 3-6, 6, 6-9

Photo of the Week: Sleeping while eating!

Milestones: No new milestones this week

Development: Teeth are still coming through beautifully! You say mom when you get up in the morning so I will pick you up. You try to climb all over everything and you play with blocks and a little block puzzle grammy got you. And you play with the big girls and handle it when they hover over you and kiss you and try to pick you up. But somehow you deal with it with no crying!

Concerns: I'll have to see if I am concerned with it when you get weighted

Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 3- 4 hours, 3 meals and 2 snacks a day

Sleeping Habits: 2 naps still but nights are still messed up. Now that we are back at grammys house we have tried some new techniques to get you down without having to feed you. The first day I did pu/pd... well pd (put down) anyway. So now you are not sleeping at night but I only pick you up and hold you then put you back down after a few seconds and you go off to sleep without a problem. If there is a problem I go ahead and feed you.... I'm no martyr!

Health: Healthy but still stuffy... I wonder if you're allergic to something in the air.

Special Moments-
Best: Calling mom from the crib!

Worst: Just the sleeping. Last three nights you woke up at 5 am and didn't go back to sleep.

Other Observations/Activities: This week we spent at grammys house. The boys stayed the first night with us and then went home again and we spent the rest of the week with the girls. We took walks and went outside and played with the girls. On friday we spent the day in wichita with grammy as a girls day.On saturday we spent the day with one of my friends from high school and you played at little bit with her little boys and you loved playing with someone closer to your age.

Pictures From This Week: 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Week Fourty Two

Age today: 42 weeks

Age Being Posted: Weeks 41-42

Date: September 6 - 12

Diaper Size: 2 or Medium

Clothing Size: 3-6, 6, 6-9

Photo of the Week: Me and Aunt Alice

Milestones: No new milestones this week

Development: The two teeth that have been right on the edge are now popped through which they did on October 7. You are crawling with absolutely no problem. You crawl you turn you sit back up, you are SO grown up that I can't believe it. You throw little tantrums and throw fits when you don't get your way but for the most part you are a

Concerns: You feel heavier so we'll see when I get you weighed next week

Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 3- 4 hours, 3 meals and 2 snacks a day

Sleeping Habits: 2 naps still but nights are still messed up. No sleeping through the night yet and until we get back home to grammy gails I can't fix it because we can't keep your aunt and uncle up and we are too close to their room not to so we'll figure it out when that won't matter.

Health: Healthy once again though we've got some stuffiness since coming to KS

Special Moments-
Best: Spending time with Aunt Alice!

Worst: The worst is also one of the best because you just want mom! It's annoying when I have to do things like... pee. But its still cute!

Other Observations/Activities:  We went up to Manhattan this week to visit Aunt Alice and the boys. You are still being pretty shy and want me to hold you all the time. You will play with your cousins and aunt and uncle but from moms arms. We took pictures and went to walmart where Aunt alice bourght you some cute little outfits. You met uncle john and weren't sure what to think of him... he was VERY tall for you so mostly  you just twisted your mouth up into an O and stared. We went out to eat and played with the dog, who so badly wanted to play with you but she was a little rough! Then Saturday we headed back to grammy gails!

Pictures From This Week: 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Week Fourty One

Age today: 41 weeks

Age Being Posted: Weeks 40-41

Date: September 29 - October 5

Diaper Size: 2 or Medium

Clothing Size: 3-6, 6, 6-9

Photo of the Week: With Cousins!

Milestones: Say mama (or dada) indiscriminately

Development: You seem to get older every single day. You are learning so much and talking. I know what you want and you make sounds like actual words. I'm starting to understand your words and what you mean for them. You say yes (ya) and no, I *think you say baby. It's so adorable. You've been waving for a while now but you have finally gotten the hang of it and do it basically every time someone leaves now or when you want to leave or want someone else to leave!

Concerns: Weight gain. I'm really worried now because I've seen a friends 1 year old. He's SO much bigger

Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 3 hours, rice cereal, fruit, veggies, and/or meat 4-5 times a day.

Sleeping Habits: 2 Naps at 9:30 and 2pm, asleep for the night at 8 pm though this week you have been waking up at night... It's no fun for me but your routine is all messed up so I understand it

Health: Healthy once again though we've got some stuffiness since coming to KS

Special Moments-
Best: Meeting the fam at the airport!
Worst: No longer sleeping through the night : (

Other Observations/Activities:  A lot of new things this week. You went on your first airplane! The first one wasn't so great. You didn't want to sleep and being as it was midnight that is ALL I wanted to do. But no ear problems or anything like that and no much crying. And when I finally gave up on trying to put you to sleep you finally fell asleep. The next one was better. Then we got here and you finally met my side of the family! Everyone just adores you! It's all "Emi, Emi, Emi!" but so cute. You are a little shy and your whole schedule is wreaked. You're waking up 2-3 times a night and I have no idea how to fix it. I'm hoping it will just regulate on its on.

Pictures From This Week: