Age today: 41 weeks
Age Being Posted: Weeks 40-41
Date: September 29 - October 5
Diaper Size: 2 or Medium
Clothing Size: 3-6, 6, 6-9
Milestones: Say mama (or dada) indiscriminately
Development: You seem to get older every single day. You are learning so much and talking. I know what you want and you make sounds like actual words. I'm starting to understand your words and what you mean for them. You say yes (ya) and no, I *think you say baby. It's so adorable. You've been waving for a while now but you have finally gotten the hang of it and do it basically every time someone leaves now or when you want to leave or want someone else to leave!
Concerns: Weight gain. I'm really worried now because I've seen a friends 1 year old. He's SO much bigger
Eating Habits: Breastmilk
every 3 hours, rice cereal, fruit, veggies, and/or meat 4-5 times a
Sleeping Habits: 2 Naps at 9:30 and 2pm, asleep for the night at 8 pm though this week you have been waking up at night... It's no fun for me but your routine is all messed up so I understand it
Health: Healthy once again though we've got some stuffiness since coming to KS
Special Moments-
Best: Meeting the fam at the airport!
Worst: No longer sleeping through the night : (
Other Observations/Activities: A lot of new things this week. You went on your first airplane! The first one wasn't so great. You didn't want to sleep and being as it was midnight that is ALL I wanted to do. But no ear problems or anything like that and no much crying. And when I finally gave up on trying to put you to sleep you finally fell asleep. The next one was better. Then we got here and you finally met my side of the family! Everyone just adores you! It's all "Emi, Emi, Emi!" but so cute. You are a little shy and your whole schedule is wreaked. You're waking up 2-3 times a night and I have no idea how to fix it. I'm hoping it will just regulate on its on.
Pictures From This Week:
How To Easily Get Baby to Sleep in the Crib
Having trouble getting baby to sleep in her crib? Use these tips to get
your baby to peacefully sleep in the crib instead of your arms, the swing,
or ano...
14 hours ago
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