Sunday, October 20, 2013

Week Fourty Three

Age today: 43 weeks

Age Being Posted: Weeks 42-43

Date: September 13 - 19

Diaper Size: 2 or Medium

Clothing Size: 3-6, 6, 6-9

Photo of the Week: Sleeping while eating!

Milestones: No new milestones this week

Development: Teeth are still coming through beautifully! You say mom when you get up in the morning so I will pick you up. You try to climb all over everything and you play with blocks and a little block puzzle grammy got you. And you play with the big girls and handle it when they hover over you and kiss you and try to pick you up. But somehow you deal with it with no crying!

Concerns: I'll have to see if I am concerned with it when you get weighted

Eating Habits: Breastmilk every 3- 4 hours, 3 meals and 2 snacks a day

Sleeping Habits: 2 naps still but nights are still messed up. Now that we are back at grammys house we have tried some new techniques to get you down without having to feed you. The first day I did pu/pd... well pd (put down) anyway. So now you are not sleeping at night but I only pick you up and hold you then put you back down after a few seconds and you go off to sleep without a problem. If there is a problem I go ahead and feed you.... I'm no martyr!

Health: Healthy but still stuffy... I wonder if you're allergic to something in the air.

Special Moments-
Best: Calling mom from the crib!

Worst: Just the sleeping. Last three nights you woke up at 5 am and didn't go back to sleep.

Other Observations/Activities: This week we spent at grammys house. The boys stayed the first night with us and then went home again and we spent the rest of the week with the girls. We took walks and went outside and played with the girls. On friday we spent the day in wichita with grammy as a girls day.On saturday we spent the day with one of my friends from high school and you played at little bit with her little boys and you loved playing with someone closer to your age.

Pictures From This Week: 


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