Age today: 40 weeks
Age Being Posted: Weeks 39-40
Date: September 22 - 28
Diaper Size: 2 or Medium
Clothing Size: 3-6, 6, 6-9
Size: Weight: 13lbs 11 oz
Height: 66 cm
Head C.: 42.5 cm
Milestones: Understand the word no, sit up from laying down
Development:You've reached a lot of milestones this week. You know exactly when I don't want you to do something (though it doesn't always mean you listen) and you can sit up from you stomach. It's adorable. You are on the move completely now and you just don't stop. You know people very well now and still don't like to be around many that you don't know. I was shy too so I'm not worried about that at all
Concerns: weight... like always. It seems like she only gained an ounce from 8 months but she lost 180 grams and then gained again. So in two weeks she gained 280 grams which is actually a lot more than what shes supposed to at the age... but shes lower on her chart because of the lost weight when she was sick. So still worried. Ugh.
Eating Habits: Breastmilk
every 3 hours, rice cereal, fruit, veggies, and/or meat 4-5 times a
Sleeping Habits: 2 Naps at 8:40am and 1pm, asleep for the night at 7pm
Health: Healthy once again!
Special Moments-
Best: A grill with the borja family... though you had your ups and downs!
Worst: Freak out crying at said grill when trying to get you to sleep
Other Observations/Activities: Next week (well actually Monday night) we are going to Kansas where you'll get to meet my side of the family. Everyone is soooo excited to meet you... but because of this we've been packing up, making lists, and we had a grill because we are leaving so everyone had a chance to see you before you gone (we'll be gone 2 whole months!). We had a good time but it was also super sad because even though I can't wait to see my family and can't wait for you to meet them you are just so used to everyone here and your routine here and plus dadas has to stay : ( but either way we have to go!
Also noticed on Saturday you're getting teeth! 3 at one time. Of course it had to happen right before our trip!
Pictures From This Week:
First Time Obedience Tips for Parents
When you have first-time obedience, your child listens to you the first
time you give an instruction. This is not easy to do, but it can be
1 day ago