Before I start I want to stress that this is MY opinion. I'm not trying to convince anyone of what to do with their own child. I'm not a doctor. I have no medical experience. I only know what I think is right for MY daughter. Every child is different.
That being said... I think starting foods at 6 months is WAY too late. And I'm irritated that my husband thinks everything a pediatrician says is the right thing to do.
I know my daughter. She is ready to eat something more than breast milk and I'm mad that I can't start her on it because Pedro thinks it will cause allergies because that's what the doctor said. Ha. Like the doctor knows everything.
I think starting between 4-6 months is right. And I don't think Em was ready at 4 months but she's been ready now for about a week and a half. And I feel bad for her because I know she wants something more. And I think I know her much better than the pediatrician that sees her once a month and is just citing the guidelines.
Yes it probably is better to start closer to 6 months but honestly 6 months is just an age. The 23rd of June is not going to be any different than the 22nd except for the fact that she will be 6 months old not 5 months and 4 weeks.
I get the rule for the most part. The doctor didn't want us starting her on solids too young. If she had said you can introduce solids at 4 months I probably would have at 4 months and not waited until she was actually ready so she said 6 months. So instead I'm delaying the introduction even though I'm positive she is ready because my husband says no. Seriously 5 months is fine.
I just wish I could convince him that.
Any ideas on how I can do that?
It doesn't matter much. I'm starting the 9th of June regardless. She'll be 24 weeks. In weeks that's 6 months. He can get over it.
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