Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wanting To Start Solids...

Before I start I want to stress that this is MY opinion. I'm not trying to convince anyone of what to do with their own child. I'm not a doctor. I have no medical experience. I only know what I think is right for MY daughter. Every child is different.

That being said... I think starting foods at 6 months is WAY too late. And I'm irritated that my husband thinks everything a pediatrician says is the right thing to do.

I know my daughter. She is ready to eat something more than breast milk and I'm mad that I can't start her on it because Pedro thinks it will cause allergies because that's what the doctor said. Ha. Like the doctor knows everything.

I think starting between 4-6 months is right. And I don't think Em was ready at 4 months but she's been ready now for about a week and a half. And I feel bad for her because I know she wants something more. And I think I know her much better than the pediatrician that sees her once a month and is just citing the guidelines.

Yes it probably is better to start closer to 6 months but honestly 6 months is just an age. The 23rd of June is not going to be any different than the 22nd except for the fact that she will be 6 months old not 5 months and 4 weeks.

I get the rule for the most part. The doctor didn't want us starting her on solids too young. If she had said you can introduce solids at 4 months I probably would have at 4 months and not waited until she was actually ready so she said 6 months. So instead I'm delaying the introduction even though I'm positive she is ready because my husband says no. Seriously 5 months is fine.

I just wish I could convince him that.

Any ideas on how I can do that?

It doesn't matter much. I'm starting the 9th of June regardless. She'll be 24 weeks. In weeks that's 6 months. He can get over it.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Week Twenty Two (5 Months)

Age today: 22 weeks or 154 days

Age Being Posted: Weeks 21-22 or Days 147-153

Date: May 19 - 25

Diaper Size: 2 or Medium

Clothing Size: 3 months and 3-6 months

Photo of the Week: With Mom!


Milestones: Nothing new this week. Check out milestones page to see list of milestones passed.

Development: She seems so grown up now. Anytime she's on her back she tries to sit up. She is working really hard to pass that milestone!

Concerns: She's still wearing the same size and I'm worried she isn't gaining weight like she should...

Eating Habits: 3-31/2 hours only breastmilk

Sleeping Habits: Two nights you woke up twice to eat another you slept through and the rest your regular one time. Naps are much better too

Health: Great

Special Moments-
Best: Going to latagunga with you! You even took naps
Worst: Can't think of anything really

Other Observations/Activities:  This week you turned 5 months and I had my 24th birthday. Also on Friday dad was able to work from home. That was fun because he was done by noon! That night we decided to go to Latagunga so we left really early Saturday morning and spent almost all day outside! You had lots of fun with the cows and watching the dogs. But by 530 you were soooo tired. And there was a party close by with fireworks but you slept right through them!

Pictures From This Week:

2013-05-17 08.03.44

2013-05-23 10.53.40 2013-05-25 09.25.55 2013-05-25 16.11.22:

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Okay, here is another conspiracy theory of mine.

I bet you can all guess what it is... Austism spectrum disorders and... what? Vaccines.

Yes I know Wakefield study was debunked. Sure. But if they never complete another study then how can they know for sure that he wasn't onto something?

And like I've said before they will never do a study on it because they don't want to know.

I don't believe it causes all asd but I think it has a huge impact on regressive autism.

Once again they say the vaccine (specifically the mmr [measles mumps and rubella]) just coincides with the time regression normally happens.

Well shit isn't that a coincidence once again.

My nieces pediatrician once told us she felt compelled to tell us she didn't give her own children the mmr.

That's what really convinced me something was very wrong with that particular vaccine.

So even though I vaccinate I will not have that one done until at least 3. Possibly 5.

Because none of those diseases are likely especially not when she isn't in daycare or preschool. So that particular vaccine will wait.

I mean 68 vaccines in 12 years. Let's not be ridiculous. Its way too much.

So maybe it doesn't cause autism but it has an effect on kids. That's obvious. And until they do a study on nonvaccinated children I'm going to think it has played a part.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Week Twenty One

Age today: 21 weeks or 147 days

Age Being Posted: Weeks 20-21 or Days 140-146

Date: May 12 - 18

Diaper Size: 2 or Medium

Clothing Size: 3 months and 3-6 months

Photo of the Week:

2013-05-15 08.25.45

Milestones: razz

Development: If I sit you just right you'll stay that way for a few seconds before toppling over. I won't count it as really sitting on your own yet. Also you can now blow raspberries. AND have developed a fake cough! Which can be a little annoying but cute as well!

Concerns: None!

Eating Habits: Only breast milk. Still every 3 hours, at night sometimes you eat once other times you sleep right through. No solids yet but i honestly think you're ready...and I really want start! (See below)

Sleeping Habits: Some nights you slept all night but others it's like this 730-4, 4-6:30. I want to nightwean but decided I can deal with one feeding a night until you start solids

Health: Nothing new. Healthy healthy healthy!

Special Moments-
Mothers day morning when dad got you and brought me the present you got me
Worst: One afternoon you decided you didn't want to take a nap and boy were you grumpy!

Other Observations/Activities: This week we celebrated our first mothers day together! It was fun! You even let mom nap a little bit. The rest of the week was uneventful until the weekend came and we had your first little party. Then we went to your great grandmothers so your dad to finish working. And then on to Calacali.

Pictures From This Week:


Sunday, May 12, 2013

Week Twenty

Happy Mothers Day everyone! Especially to all the first timers out there : )

On with this weeks update...

Age today: 20 weeks or 140 days or 4 months,

Age Being Posted: Weeks 19- 20 or Days 133-139

Date: May 5 - 11

Diaper Size: 2 or Medium

Clothing: 3, 3-6

Weight: 11 lbs 13 oz
Height: 63cm
Head. C. :40 cm

Photo of the Week: Snuggle up! It's cold!

2013-05-08 17.17.48

Milestones: playing with toes

Development: Well you're growing and meeting milestones. You're talking and screaming and hardly ever crying. You're interested in everything and want to eat it all. You love being outside and watching Penny who seems to be afraid of you now. But wow, you're growing up! You also have found your feet! You can lay all day with your little feet in the air just chewing on your toes!

Concerns: I have absolutely no concerns about your development and she prescribed a lotion for your cheeks (which is caused by all that drooling you do!) But we got your vaccines and even though your feeling good now I'm always concerned about your reactions. I know its just a fever but I hate it. Also.. you only gained 13 ounces this past month and a half. From our last visit that is around 2 oz a week. You're healthy meeting milestones and you look great so I shouldn't worry but I do.

Eating Habits: Only breast milk, every 3 hours and once at night

Sleeping Habits: day naps are getting better.. I have stopped patting and just stand by your crib now. At night you usually wake once

Health: No concerns here!

Special Moments-
Best: I swear you said Mom!
Worst: Your vaccines!

The Doctor Visit: We waited a long time to go to this visit. Vaccines are the worst so we put it off a little. The doctor says your perrrrfect. She asked about your routine and said it was fine but you should have one longer nap of 2 hours. Ha! I wish! Also she examined you. She was so surprised when you just reached out and grabbed your toes. We told her you could drink from a sippy cup and roll over both ways. She didn't believe it until you did it right there in her office.

We asked a few questions and then she weighed and measured you which did worry me a bit. Then it was time for vaccines. It was an awful cry for about a minute then you were fine.

This Weeks Observations/Activities: This week was eventful! Sunday was your uncles birthday but we went and spent the day in Calacali. You rode dads horse!.. and I was terrified!

Then we went to your grandparents to tell your uncle happy birthday. On Thursday we went to pick up your passport and report of birth at the embassy! Officially an American now! Then that night we had vaccines : (

Like always you got a fever and Friday you spent most of the day sleeping fussing and eating. By Saturday the fever was gone-big improvement over last time!

Pictures From The Week:


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Boys and Girls and How They're Different


That is the thing that comes to mind when I think about having a little girl. That and princesses and fairy tales and Barbie dolls and playing house.

As for boys. Blue. And monster trucks and cowboys and ninja turtles and playing video games.

Very different images.

Ive read articles that talk about the idea of boys and girls being different only because of how they are raised. I do think some things about boys are like that but then we her into a chicken and egg sort of thing.

Because if only nurture caused that then how did it get started in the first place.

Read about the boy who had a botched circumcision and his parents pretended he was a girl after a scientist told them gender was learned. Not only did it not work, the boy ended up killing himself later in life. Here is the link if you like to know more about it.

Gender is not learned, it is inborn. That is why boys have XY chromosomes and girls XX. We are different no matter what anyone says. Some traits are learned of course but alot of them are natural to the gender.

So no, I do not believe we should raise boys and girls the same.

I do, however, think that it is important to work on different traits with each gender. Try and get girls to go out get dirty play in the mud and defend themselves and boys to talk about their feelings how to solve problems in other ways but their fists and that its ok to be gentle.

No not every boy is rambunctious and aggressive just like not every girl is quiet and nurturing but I do think most are. Watch boys play outside and then girls. There is quite a bit of difference I'd say.

Neither is better. Just different. And I hope one day I will be able to teach Em that.

There are things that men can usually do with greater ease than women but the reverse is also true. And most importantly just because it comes easier to someone else doesn't mean it isn't worth trying.

Because talent only goes so far. What really gets you to the finish line is practice and dedication.

Another thing I hope to teach my little girl.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Week Nineteen

Age today: 19 weeks or 133 days

Age Being Posted: Weeks 18-19 or Days 126-132

Date: April 29 - May 4

Diaper Size: 2 or Medium

Clothing Size: Last time wearing 0 - 3, 3 months and 3-6 months

Photo of the Week: Little Flirt!OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Milestones: Work to get a toy out of reach, object if try and take a toy away

Development: You get grumpy now when I take away a toy or move you before you think its time! I used to be able to pick you up and take you here, take this away and whatever but not now. You definitely want a say in whats getting done! Also if I put you on your back or tummy and there is toy you work your hardest to get it. Sometimes you can. Sometimes its just a little too far!

Concerns: You have developed a dry patch of skin on your cheek... I'm going to ask your pediatrician about it when we go

Eating Habits: Only breastmilk. No solids yet! Still every 3 hours though I'm sure you could go longer but not sure my supply would keep up!

Sleeping Habits: At night 7:30-2, 2:20-7. Naps 3, each between 30 min - 1 hour. Still rocking and shushing but less.

Health: All good in this department! You do cough quite a bit but because you seem to be chocking on all that drool!

Special Moments-
Oh! How can I choose?! I guess when you shrieked with laughter while playing airplane. Too cute!
Worst: One night you just had no interest in sleeping and woke up 4 times!

This Weeks Observations/Activities Pretty uneventful week. We stayed home most of the week except for one day of grocery shopping and a couple nights of visiting you grandparents who just love giving you kisses!

Pictures From This Week:


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Advice From Others

Being a parent you can't escape it. Advice is coming at you ALL the time from EVERYONE.

Your mom, dad, sister, brother, in laws, people at the grocery store, people who have kids, people who don't. Everyone else knows better than you.


I know best.

That sounds ridiculous for a first time mom to say but I honestly believe it. I don't know best for my nieces or nephews but I do know best for my daughter.

I spend 24/7 with her. I see her all day long and when she complains at night I'm the one to go make it better.

I hate when someone touches her hands and practically screams at me she's freezing.

1. A lot of times her hands are cold but she's bundled up and practically sweating. 2. What do they expect me to do? She eats her fingers 99% of the time so gloves are out. My holding onto her hands works all of 10 seconds. I know this because I know her.

I hate when I take her outside and am yelled at when I bring her in to wash her hands! Seriously?

Even worse is when I am away from her for all of 2 minutes and I take her then... "shouldn't you wash your hands?

Toy on the floor. WASH IT!

No wonder we have these superbugs.

Or things like shave her head so her hair is better. Or give her formula she'll sleep better. Or keep her awake until later she'll sleep through the night.

I used to be phased by things like that now I just smile politely and ignore them.

When the advice is good. I listen. When I know its wrong I ignore it. When its bad I say something.

And now the whirlwind of advice I get isn't quite as hard to handle.