I’m sure I was sick a few times as a baby and child but nothing major. Nothing that killed me (obviously) and nothing that I had to be hospitalized for. Truth be told I’ve only been in the hospital once besides my pregnancy. When I was 6 months old I swallowed a penny and they had to take it out. Pretty simple. No cutting. They reached down my throat and pulled it out.
And this is the same for my brothers and sister. We were extremely healthy children. And we had animals. We played in the dirt with them, we ate their food with them. And guess what? We lived.
Em’s pediatrician freaked my husband out saying the cat was going to give Em a disease or something. He had no idea what to do. If it wasn’t for my background with animals I probably would have been just as afraid but as it were I had animals and I wasn’t getting rid of penny because we had Em. Penny is mine too.
Right now things may be a little complicated. We shut Ems room while she naps in there. We make sure we don’t lay her down on the carpet without a blanket because of how much hair penny throws. But later on Penny and Em will be friends, I think. Or at least I hope they will. Penny is kind of anti-social. But oh well…
And plus her pediatrician is an idiot.
A doctor, sure. But an idiot. Hasn’t he read any studies? Animals in the house are SO much better!
Here are a couple of links… here and here.
Anyway it looks to me they are getting along already..