Today the little princess was born at 2:45pm weighing a whopping 6 pounds 3 ounces and measuring a whole 18 inches!
My labor was easy as labors go. Thank God I'm like my mom (6 hour labor) and not my sister (18 hour labor). Mine was 9 hours from start to finish.
Honestly I expected pain. Serious pain. And I'm not saying there was no pain. There was. But nothing like I thought. I wasn't even sure I was in labor!
I woke up at 530 (which wouldn't have been too unusual but I went to sleep at 3) with a weird lower back pain. It seemed to be there and then go away again so I went to the bathroom (well I was pregnant!) And then went back to sleep. I woke up again around 645 with the pain again. It now was noticeably going away and returning so I timed them. Every ten minutes. But still it hardly hurt just a slight pain so I tried to sleep again.
By 730 I decided to wake my husband. He timed them. Every 8 minutes. He continued to sleep between them waking only when I said it started again.
By 9 am it was every 6 minutes so we called my doctor who assured me it wasn't labor and to get some rest.
At 10 it was every 5 minutes and by that time my husbands parents tested us letting us know his cousin went into labor. So we informed them of my back pain which his mom thought was due to our mattress.
By 1030 it was every 4 minutes but still not painful.
I called my mom and told her about it and she said her labor was the same so I called my doctor and told her this. Still not believing me she sent me to a clinic where they would check me out.
At the clinic they attached me to a thing that read the strength of contractions and time between each. My contractions by then where every 3 minutes.
The nurse there then did a tactile 7 times before she believed I was dilated at a 8.
Then she said if I wasn't having the baby there then I needed to go where I was having her because she was coming soon.
We drove to the hospital, got stuck in traffic, yelled a lot then finally arrived at 1230.
I still had contractions and they still weren't terrible.
Around 130 my doctor finally arrived and then broke my water. After that the contractions we're harder and I begged for an epidural.
But I did not get one. The anesthesiologist was no where to be found.
Around 215 I actually felt like pushing with the contractions. So they took me to the delivery room (up until then I was still on the E.R.) around 230 I started pushing and 15 minutes later my beautiful little girl made her debut.
They cleaned her up and gave her to me.
Nothing in the world could compare to that feeling...
They were supposed to bring her around 4pm but didn't bring her until 630 because she wasn't eating and they just now rolled her away so I can rest.
I'd love to have her beside me but this will be my last night of uninterrupted sleep for awhile so I'm going to take advantage.
Here are some pictures!